Page 55 - OKelly Sutton Employee Handbook March19
P. 55

•  Users should ensure they keep their personal email messages separate from their Company
                       business related email messages.
                   •  All  email  accounts  maintained  on  the  Company’s  email  system  are  the  property  of  the
                   •  Users leaving the employment of the Company must ensure they forward on all important
                       business-related email messages to their line Partner / Director or work colleagues before
                       they leave so that there is no disruption to service delivery after they leave. They should also
                       ensure they remove or delete all personal email messages (i.e. email messages which are of a
                       personal nature and are not Company business related) from their mailbox before they leave
                       as it may not be possible to get a copy of these once they have left the Company.
                   •  During planned periods of absence such as career breaks, holidays or on training courses users
                       should ensure where practical, their mailbox is put on divert to one of their colleagues so that
                       there is no disruption to service delivery.
                   •  Email carries the same legal status as other written documents and should be used with the
                       same care.
                   •  Email is capable of forming or varying a contract in the same way as a written letter. Users
                       must be careful when wording an email, so it cannot be construed as forming or varying a
                       contract when this is not the intention.

               Social Media:

                   •  Access to social media, on-line gaming and live streaming websites is blocked automatically
                       by the Company. However, users who have a legitimate Company business reason may with
                       the approval of their Partner / Director apply to their Partner / Director to gain access to these
                   •  Users  should  be  aware  that  all  use  of  social  media,  either  in  a  personal  or  when
                       communicating on behalf of the Company must be in accordance with the Social Media Policy.
                   •  Confidential  or  restricted  information  regarding  business  practices  and  procedures  or
                       personal information about any clients or employees must not be posted or discussed on any
                       social media websites.


               The Social and Digital Media Policy provides guidance and direction to all employees when utilising all
               types of online social media sites and networks. This policy applies to all employees either participating
               personally, or communicating on behalf of the Company, while online.

               Misuse or abuse of social and digital media can cause significant injury to third parties and can also
               impact negatively on the credibility of the Company.

               The Company is potentially vicariously liable for injury caused by misuse or abuse of social and digital
               media channels by its employees.
               Consequently, the Company takes any misuse or abuse of social and digital media by employees very
               seriously and misuse or abuse can lead to significant disciplinary and legal actions.

               Like all employee policies, it is the responsibility of local line management to address any issues that
               arise  in  relation  to  breach  of  these  policies  and  regulations.  There  is  also  a  significant  personal
               responsibility placed on each employee.

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