Page 75 - Workplace Relations Guide to Employment Law
P. 75
Act Section or Contravention Redress
Parental Leave Act Parts 11, Failure to grant the parent’s May specify the grant of
1998 and European III of 2000 entitlements under the 1998 parental leave, the award of
Communities Act and Act compensation not exceeding 20
(Parental Leave) Regulation 8 weeks’ remuneration or both.
Regulations 2000 of the 2000
Protections for 4(1) Penalising an employee for May require the employer
Persons Reporting having reported child abuse. to comply with the relevant
Child Abuse Act provision, take a specified
1998 course of action and make
an award of compensation
not exceeding 104 weeks’
Employment Parts II, III Discrimination, victimisation, Compensation, an order for
Equality Acts 1998 and IV of dismissal in circumstances equal remuneration, order for
to 2011 1998 Act (as amounting to discrimination equal treatment, order to take
amended) or victimization; failure to a specified course of action,
pay equal remuneration; non- order for re-instatement or
receipt of benefits under an re-engagement with or without
equality clause. compensation
Equal Status Acts Part II Discrimination against, or sexual Compensation; order to take a
2000 to 2004 harassment or harassment specified course of action
of, or permitting the sexual
harassment or harassment of, a
person in contravention of the
Equal Status Acts.
National Minimum 14 Failure to pay the correct pay May include a direction to the
Wage Act 2000 entitlement under the 2000 Act employer to pay arrears and
the expenses of the employee
in connection with the dispute;
may require the employer to
rectify the contravention and
pay any amount in respect
of which the employer is in