Page 78 - Workplace Relations Guide to Employment Law
P. 78
Act Section or Contravention Redress
Charities Act 2009 62(1) Penalisation of an employee May require the employer to
for reporting breaches of the comply with the provision,
2009 Act take a specified course of
action or make an award of
compensation not exceeding
104 weeks’ remuneration
National Asset 223(3) Penalisation of an employee for May require the employer
Management making a complaint or giving to take a specified course of
Agency Act 2009 evidence in proceedings under action or make an award of
the 2009 Act. compensation
Inland Fisheries Act 38(1) Penalisation of an employee for May require Inland Fisheries
2010 making a complaint or giving Ireland to take a specified
evidence in proceedings under course of action or make an
the 2010 Act. award of compensation not
exceeding 2 years’ remuneration
Criminal Justice Act 20(1) Penalisation of an employee for May require the employer
2011 disclosing information relating to take a specified course of
to relevant offences action or make an award of
compensation not exceeding 2
years’ remuneration
Property Services 67(5) Penalisation of an employee May require the employer
(Regulation) Act for reporting improper conduct to take a specified course of
2011 under the 2011 Act action or make an award of
compensation not exceeding
104 weeks’ remuneration
Protection of 6, 11, 13(1), Failure to give an agency worker May require the employer
Employees 14, 23, 24 his/her basic working and or hirer, as the case may be,
(Temporary Agency employment conditions; failure to take a specified course of
Work) Act 2012 to advise of vacancies; the action or make an award of
charging of a fee to an employee compensation not exceeding 2
by an agency for arranging years’ remuneration
employment; failure to provide
the same collective facilities and
amenities to an agency worker;
penalisation of the employee
for invoking rights or making a
complaint under the 2012 Act.