Page 17 - P&G Cards EHB
P. 17


               A)      CHANGES IN PERSONAL DETAILS

                       You must notify us of any change of name, address, telephone number, etc., so that we can
                       maintain accurate information on our records and make contact with you in an emergency, if
                       necessary,  outside  normal  working  hours.    Form  CPD  is  available  from  your  Department
                       Manager for this purpose.

               B)      TRAVEL EXPENSES

                       We will reimburse you against receipts for costs involved whilst travelling on our business,
                       details of which will be issued separately.

               C)      EMPLOYEES' PROPERTY

                       We do not accept liability for any loss of, or damage to, property which you bring onto the
                       premises.  You are requested not to bring personal items of value onto the premises and, in
                       particular, not to leave any items overnight.

               D)      LOST PROPERTY

                       Articles of lost property should be retained whilst attempts are made to discover the owner.

               E)      BUYING OR SELLING OF GOODS

                       You are not allowed to buy or sell goods on your own behalf on our premises.


                       Unless specific authorisation is given by the General Manager, no collections of any kind are
                       allowed on our premises.

               G)     CAR INSURANCE

                      If you are using your own car for business purposes, you must ensure that your car insurance
                      provides  adequate  cover  and  a  copy  of  your  current  certificate  is  made  available  to  your
                      Department Manager.

               H)      DRIVING LICENCE

                       If it is a requirement of your job duties that you possess a current driving licence, the loss of
                       such  a  licence  as  a  result  of  a  motoring  conviction  or  on  health  grounds,  may,  if  we  are
                       unable  to  provide  suitable  alternative  employment,  lead  to  the  termination  of  your
                       employment.  You are required, wherever applicable, to produce your driving licence for our
                       inspection at any time when so requested.

               I)      CAR UPKEEP

                      You are obliged to ensure that your car is properly maintained and has an up to date NCT
                      certificate  and  a  copy  of  your  current  certificate  is  made  available  to  your  Department

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