Page 45 - Visage Hair Employee Handbook.REV.1
P. 45

Employment rights during the 16-weeks additional adoptive leave will be frozen, i.e. the period of
               employment before the leave will be regarded as continuous with the period of employment following
               the leave. The employee has the right to return to work after the adoptive leave and additional leave.
               An employee must give 4 weeks written notification to the employer before the end of the leave.

               3.10.3 Social Insurance Benefit
               You may also be entitled to social insurance benefit for adoptive leave paid by the Department of
               Employment Affairs and Social Protection, and you should contact the Department in this regard.

               3.11 JURY SERVICE
               If  you  are  called  for  jury service, you  will  be  granted  paid  leave  from work. You  should  advise  a
               MANAGER as soon as you know when you are required to attend court. Your jury service summons
               must be given to a MANAGER. You must also submit evidence of attendance when the jury service has
               been completed.

               If, on the day, you are not called by the court, you will be required to report for work immediately
               afterwards. In addition, it is expected that employees will return to work during any portion of the day
               that they are not required in court.

               Attendance  in  court  on  a  personal  matter  does  not  qualify  for  paid  leave  and  employees  would
               normally be expected to take annual leave or unpaid leave.

               3.12 COMPASSIONATE LEAVE
               The Company will endeavour to grant time off with pay for bereavement. Approval of bereavement
               leave rests with a MANAGER. Each situation will be considered individually but, as a general guideline,
               the Company will grant up to 3 days paid leave in the case of death of immediate family members and
               1 day for relatives outside the immediate family.

               Member of the 'immediate family’ is defined as the husband/wife, spouse/life partner, parent, brother
               or sister, son or daughter of the employee and the spouse/life partner, son, daughter, of the employee
               or any relative living in the immediate household of the employee.

               The Company fully appreciates that employees may need more time off, particularly in the case of a
               close family member. Exceptional cases will be looked at individually and additional leave may be
               granted at Management's discretion
               3.13 FORCE MAJEURE
               You have a right to take paid leave, pending approval of a MANAGER (of up to 3 days in any 12
               consecutive  months,  providing  same  does  not  exceed  5  days  in  any  36  consecutive  months  and
               absence for part of a day is counted as one day of force majeure leave) for urgent family reasons owing
               to the injury or illness of:
                   •  your spouse
                   •  your child or adopted child;
                   •  a person for whom you are In loco parentis;
                   •  your parent;
                   •  your brother or sister;
                   •  a person who is living with you as husband or wife;
                   •  Your grandparent.
                   •  Persons in a relationship of domestic dependency, including same sex partners.

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