Page 48 - Visage Hair Employee Handbook.REV.1
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Company may notify you of its intention to refuse the leave, allowing you 7 days in which to make
representations on the matter. If the Company after considering your representations (if any), decides
to refuse the Parental Leave it will specify the reasons for such refusal.
3.14.7 Terms and Conditions of Employment
Your contract of employment will continue during parental leave as to the Company's duty of trust
and confidence to you, terms as to notice of termination, redundancy payments, disciplinary and
grievance procedures.
• You will remain bound by your duty of good faith to the Company and your duty not
to disclose confidential information relating to the Company, accept gifts or other
benefits or participate in any other business.
• You will remain employed during the Parental Leave and continue to accrue continuity
of service.
• You will continue to accrue holidays during Parental Leave.
• Any Parental leave will be unpaid.
• Any period of probation, training or apprenticeship may be suspended by the
Company at its discretion whilst you are on Parental Leave.
• On your return you will be entitled to return to your previous job or position, or if that
previous job or position is not your usual job or position, you will be entitled to return
to work either to that job or your usual job or position as soon as practicable.
• If because of an interruption or cessation of work at the date of expiry of Parental
Leave it is unreasonable to expect you to return at that date, you may return to work
as soon as reasonably practicable after the resumption of work.
• If it is not practicable to allow you to return to work the Company will offer you
suitable alternative work on terms or conditions of employment, which are not
substantially less favourable to you.
You may avail of temporary unpaid leave in order to personally provide full time care for a person who
has been medically certified to be in need of full-time attention. You must have at least 12 months
continuous service to avail of this. This entitlement is subject to receipt of a decision from a deciding
officer of the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection that the person whom you
propose to provide full time care for a relevant person within the meaning of the Social Welfare
(Consolidation) Act, 1993 as amended.
You are entitled to take a maximum of 104 weeks. This can be taken as a continuous period or in
separate blocks. Should you so choose you can work a maximum of 15 hours a week while on carer's
leave. You can only take carer's leave for one person at a time unless the people you are intending on
taking care of live together. This choice can only be exercised once.
You should apply to a social welfare-deciding officer at least eight weeks before you intend to take the
leave. You must give the Company six weeks' written notice and details of the deciding officer's
3.15.1 Employment Rights
All your employment rights are protected while on this leave with the exception of pay and benefits.
You are entitled to return to the same work or alternative work where conditions are not less
favourable than that of previous employment.
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