Page 9 - Jan 2024 News On 7
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                  MINDFUL JOURNEY, MARMORA, ON

     Whether you are starting a new job, furthering a relationship, planning a family, or venturing into the world of retirement,
     you are turning the page in your book of life to begin a new chapter. Did you know you are the writer and creator of your
     own story?  How you choose to act and react is 100 percent up to you!

     If you always focus on the negative, you will never see the beauty and the positivity that surrounds you.  What you reap,
     you sow!  The more positive and loving energy you put out so you will become, and more of the same will be attracted to
     you.   Otherwise, you will not see the helping hands, nor hear encouraging words, if you do not put this out to others.
     Instead of thinking and worrying about all that could and might go wrong, envision all the endless possibilities of what can
     be right.  Even when things seem to go sideways, and no doubt they will, step back and ask yourself what you can learn
     from  this  situation.    It  could  be  you  need  to  slow  down,  learn  something  new,  meet  a  certain  person,  before  moving
     forward. Often, the direction you felt you needed to travel in is not the one that will take you to your destination.

     Life experiences are lessons to be learned.  Set aside ego and allow yourself patience, wisdom, and understanding, to guide
     you.  Soon you will find yourself not only writing that chapter but living it!
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