Page 12 - August 2023 News On 7
P. 12

Dr. Jim's Computer Repair
                     Jim Sanders                                   TECH TALK

    Welcome to tech talk. As time goes by this is still a very real problem and people are still falling victim to scams like this as well as the direct
    phone  calls.    The  POP-UP  window  that  instructs  you  to  contact  Microsoft.  The  below  image  was  recently  taken  from  a  customer’s
    computer. Microsoft will never flash a phone number on your screen or ever call you. Be aware all they want is your money, some are now
    requesting Amazon gift cards or money transfers through Canada Post. These transactions are almost impossible to reverse so please don’t
    get caught by them
    This is not real this is a scam in which they want you to call
    the number.  From there they will ask you to allow them to
    log  on  to  your  computer  and  data  mine  (harvest  personal
    information).  Worse yet they will tell you it is going to cost
    you X amount of $$$ to fix your computer.  DO NO DO NOT
    EVER CALL THESE NUMBERS.  The best thing you can do if
    you can is close all the screens and if needed restart your
    computer  immediately.    If  you  are  locked  out  of  your
    computer and or you still end up with pop up screens you
    should have your system cleaned and make sure all access
    is gone.
    While my customer  did call the number, he hung up when he could not understand the person on the other end.   I have
    heard many horror stories and dollar amounts in excess of $20,000.  If you find yourself in this position and you have given
    credit  card  information,  contact  the  financial  institution  immediately  and  tell  them  you  suspect  a  charge  that  may  be
    fraudulent in nature.  They will help you protect your money.
    Until next time.
    Dr. Jim
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