Page 8 - August 2023 News On 7
P. 8

                  MINDFUL JOURNEY, MARMORA, ON

     During the summer we often get caught up in the busyness of the season and forget
     to take time to be in the moment. Then, the next thing we know, we are stressed. I
     cannot count the number of times I have had people tell me they do not have time to
     be still, to meditate, or even to do breath work! Guess what? We all have the same 24
     hours in a day, and it is up to us how we use that time.
     Rising even 15 minutes earlier in the morning will give you the time to meditate. Why
     not take your coffee out to your deck where you can use all your senses to be more
     aware of your surroundings and set your mood for the day? Try taking a walk around
     your  yard  observing  without  judgment  the  life  awakening  around  you,  breathing
     deeply as you take in the morning air, feel the warmth of the rising sun on your face,
     and most importantly, give gratitude for another day. If you are able, walk or at least
     place your bare feet upon the earth to ground you.Feel your place and connection to
     Mother Earth. All this will bring a sense of peace in every cell of your body and will
     remain with you throughout the day. You deserve this simple yet healing time…to be
     in the “now”. The present is your gift, the past is behind you, and the future is yet to
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