Page 13 - August 2023 News On 7
P. 13


                              “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up
                              meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more
                              as you see the Day approaching.” - Hebrews 10:24-25

     As the morning sunlight gently filled the room, I found myself reflecting and praying about the people who mean the most to
     me  –  my  friends  and  family.  In  those  quiet  moments,  God  began  to  reveal  a  profound  truth  to  me:  prioritizing  these
     relationships is always a worthwhile investment of my time and energy.
     Although this should be obvious, my life is always a whirlwind of demands and responsibilities. I’m embarrassed to say that
     quality time with friends has become a rare luxury. But recently, something beautiful has been happening. In the past six
     weeks or so, God has been helping me to prioritize my life. I have had the chance to reconnect with many dear friends and
     spend precious moments together.
     It was in those shared experiences that I realized just how much I had been missing out on.
     In the midst of my reflection, a powerful insight emerged: the more I focused on external ministry and the busyness of life,
     the less time I had for those closest to me. It was as if God gently whispered to my heart, reminding me that this way of
     living is counterintuitive.

     True fulfillment lies in nurturing the bonds of love and connection with those who matter most.
     As a parent of four grown children, I know the immeasurable value of cherishing and investing in relationships. Even as they
     have entered their twenties and thirties, my children remain the most precious treasures in my life. They remind me that no
     matter how busy I get, they deserve my time, attention, and unwavering support.

     Perhaps  this  morning’s  reflection  has  something  to  do  with  an  article  I  read  last  night  about  Luke  and  Theophilus.
     Theophilus was possibly an influential individual to whom Luke dedicated his Gospel. Luke’s purpose in writing his Gospel
     was to provide an organized account of Jesus’ life and teachings. By addressing his writings to Theophilus, Luke emphasized
     the importance of reaching out to specific individuals or groups with the message of the Gospel. Though details about their
     relationship  are  limited,  it  is  evident  that  Luke  passionately  communicated  the  teachings  of  Jesus  to  Theophilus.  This
     suggests that Theophilus played a significant role in Luke’s efforts to share the Gospel. Reflecting on this, the article poses a
     thought-provoking question: “Who is your Theophilus?”

     Read the full article on Substack for more insight on this question.
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