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                      You no longer have to leave your house to be able to network, but studies now show that online networking
                      doesn’t hold the same power as in-person networking. Networking can be critical to landing a job, learning
                      about opportunities before they are broadcast, and getting more sales for your business. You need to do it,
                      even if you hate it, and one of the easiest and most effective networking groups is your local chamber. The
                      chamber  does  more  than  just  introduce  you  to  others.  It  offers  very  strong  networking  tools  and
                      opportunities. Here are several things you probably didn’t know about how you can improve your business
                      networking with chamber membership.
       According  to  HubSpot,  85%  of  people  “say  they  build  stronger,  more  meaningful  business  relationships  during  in-person
       business meetings and conferences.” Chambers facilitate this on a weekly basis in some form or fashion, but there are a host of
       other ways they can help you improve your networking. Here are 5 ways the chamber can make you a better networker that
       you might not have thought of:
       In-Person Events – The chamber offers a host of in-person events from formal networking events to informal member mixers.
       Networking Assistance – If you’re like most people, you’re not a natural networker. It’s something you do because you know it’s
       necessary, but not something you enjoy. The chamber is rich with experience and advice on how to improve your networking
       Leads/Referrals– Your local chamber offers leads/referrals where business professionals/owners from the community bring
       leads to one another and help the members grow their businesses.
       Thought Leadership Opportunities – your local chamber offers members the opportunity to share their knowledge in the form
       of educational sessions, like our Lunch N Learn and Chamber A.M.
       In Sight, On the Mind – Most people are extremely busy these days, particularly business owners. While social media can be a
       very effective tool for keeping in touch, it’s too easy to miss people’s posts there. At an in-person event, on the other hand, you
       come face-to-face with someone and they’re immediately on your mind again. When you’re an established acquaintance and
       people know, like, and trust you, they are more likely to buy from you and refer you to others.

       A Final Word About How the Chamber Can Make You a Better Networker
       Networking  is  painful  for  most  of  us  but  having  an  organization  that  specializes  in  it  can  help  you  get  the  training  and
       assistance you need to get more customers and grow your tribe. Chamber membership is a small price to pay for that.


       Shari Pearce, President of the Madoc & District Chamber of Commerce
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                                        Volume 3  Issue 07
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         MADOC & DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE                      The  opinions,  beliefs  and  viewpoints  expressed  by  the  various
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