Page 20 - May 2023 News On 7
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Do You Have Liver Issues?
     The liver is one of the most vital organs in our bodies, responsible for filtering toxins out of our blood, producing bile to aid
     digestion,  and  storing  important  vitamins  and  minerals  like  vitamins.  Unfortunately,  however,  livers  can  also  become
     susceptible to allergies, fatty liver disease, candida overgrowth, parasite infections, gallstone formation, as well as gallstone
     Allergies can have a range of impacts on the liver. For instance, people may react negatively to certain medications that cause
     inflammation and damage in turn leading to dysfunction of liver functions. Furthermore, food allergies or intolerances may
     lead to liver inflammation as well, potentially disrupting normal functions. Signs and symptoms associated with liver allergies
     include fatigue, abdominal pain and yellowing skin and eyes (jaundice).
     Fatty liver disease (FLD) is another condition afflicting the liver that often goes undetected. Fatty liver disease develops when
     too much fat accumulates, leading to inflammation and damage. There are two forms of FLD: non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
     (NAFLD) and alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD); NAFLD is typically associated with poor diet and lack of exercise while AFLD
     can result from excessive alcohol consumption. Common symptoms associated with FLD may include fatigue, abdominal pain
     and swelling in legs/ankles.
     Candida overgrowth is another possible risk to liver health. Candida is a type of yeast found naturally in your gut that may
     overgrow and spread to other parts of your body - including your liver - causing inflammation, damage and symptoms such
     as fatigue, brain fog and digestive distress.
     Parasite infections can have devastating consequences on the liver. Parasites are parasites which live inside of us and feed off
     of us for sustenance; sometimes parasites may enter and infiltrate the liver causing inflammation and damage - symptoms
     may include abdominal pain, diarrhea and fatigue.
     Gallstone formation can also pose a threat to liver health. Gallstones are hard deposits that form in the gallbladder, an organ
     located nearby that stores gall, that may move into the liver and cause inflammation and damage; symptoms associated with
     gallstones include abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.
     Overall,  the  liver  is  an  essential  organ  which  may  become  compromised  due  to  various  health  problems.  If  you're
     experiencing symptoms like fatigue, abdominal pain or yellowing of skin and eyes, it's essential to seek medical advice as
     soon as possible.  You can start your own liver cleanse today:

     Ingredients and Instructions for this Recipe:
     1 Cup of Fresh Dandelion Leaves (not sprayed with pesticides)
     3 Cups of Water
     1Tbsp Honey or Sugar (Optional)
     Lemon Juice (Optional).

     Clean the leaves, Boil water, and add dandelion leaves, Stir and bring to a boil again.  Reduce the heat, and let the leaves
     simmer for 10-15 minutes before taking them off the heat, Steep for 5 more.  Strain the leaves through a fine-mesh strainer
     or cheesecloth into a container, Add honey or maple syrup (optional) Add some lemon juice for extra zesty flair.  Serve hot or

     Dandelion tea boasts multiple health benefits, such as supporting liver function, aiding digestion and encouraging skin
     health. Its slightly bitter flavour can be balanced with honey, maple syrup or lemon juice..

     Would you like to learn how to make a herbal tincture out of dandelion?  Come to our workshop on: Saturday May 13 2023  2
     choices of time 10- 12 a.m or 2-4 pm.  Call 613-473-3805 or 613-472-2701 to sign up for this event.

     Investment:   Bring your own ½ pint bottle and vodka or gin the class is $20.00
     Use our bottles and alcohol $50.00

     Location:56 Morrison Rd , R.R. 1 Eldorado, [KOK 1Y0]

     To find out what is going on in your liver and for remedies, please contact
     Danella Hesler: 613-473-3805
     Milica Jelenic: 613-472-2701
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