Page 13 - November 2023 News On 7
P. 13

                   This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.
                   Submitted by Scott Foster, Financial Advisor, Edward Jones
                   317 DECLAIR ROAD, MADOC, ON K0K 2K0

     As a long-term investor, you know following time-tested investment principles can help you manage financial risk. Using
     the same principles can mitigate cyber risk. Building awareness, following a process, and monitoring your accounts can help
     ensure your private information remains just that.  Here are some tips you’ve likely heard while investing that can also work
     to help keep you cyber safe.
     1. Diversify:  Use a different password for each login. A password manager can help you keep track of your passwords.
     Multifactor authentication and biometrics add layers of protection, especially for financial and email services.
     2.  Rebalance:    Change  your  passwords  quickly  if  there  has  been  a  breach.    Back  up  your  data  regularly  using  a  backup
     service, cloud storage or an external hard drive to protect against potential data loss.
     3. Focus on the long term:  Don’t immediately click a link or open an attachment, particularly if it arrived unexpectedly.
     Check the sender and the file type and look for misspellings or strange file names.  Be wary of any communication that
     requires immediate action, payment or updates to your account information.
     4. Partner with trusted professionals:  Ensure your apps, devices, password managers and antivirus software come from
     reputable companies with a track record of security. Research the developer or manufacturer and use official app stores. If
     you’re in doubt about a situation, talk with someone you trust. This can help you identify a potential scam.
     5. Limit your high-risk exposure:  Be careful when you log in to services on shared computers or over public networks.
     Check your privacy settings on social media and be careful about posting personal information.
     6. Check in regularly: Update your devices, apps and software regularly.  Monitor your account activity by reviewing your
     statements and account activity and checking your credit reports annually.

     What if you've been scammed?
     Protection  is  important,  but  so  is  your  reaction  if  you  should  become  a  scam  victim.  What  should  you  do  if  you’ve
     experienced a scam?  Report the incident to your local police and to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre. They can also help
     connect you with the appropriate law enforcement agency.  Don’t be hard on yourself. Scammers are experts who exploit
     human behaviour. Some people don’t report their losses because they’re embarrassed, but almost everyone is vulnerable to
     some type of scam or fraud and regaining control is what's most important.  If you’ve sent a payment or detected suspicious
     activity on an account, contact the company holding the account. For example, if you paid by gift card, contact the company
     that issued the gift card.  Immediately change any compromised usernames and passwords. If the scammer has access to
     your Social Insurance Number, refer to the Government of Canada's instructions on reporting SIN fraud.  Monitor your
     credit reports with credit bureaus for any suspicious activity or any account openings with lenders or other creditors that
     you  did  not  apply  for  The  two  principal  credit  bureaus  in  Canada,  Equifax  and  TransUnion,  offer  credit  score  and
     monitoring services that alert you of any key changes. If you suspect suspicious activity, contact the creditor to advise them
     of any identify theft.  If you suspect your device has been compromised, update your security software, and run an antivirus

     At  Edward  Jones,  we’re  committed  to  keeping  your
     personal and financial information secure. Our face-
     to-face  approach  helps  us  identify  unusual  activity.
     We  also  use  firewalls  and  encryption,  regularly  test
     our  security  systems,  and  consult  industry-leading
     security firms to identify potential vulnerabilities.
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