Page 15 - Nov 2022 News On 7
P. 15

                  BY REV. TRACY B RICHARDS

                  “Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” He said, “Come” so Peter got
                  out of the boat, started walking on the water, and came toward Jesus.”
                  ~ Matthew 14:28-29
    American author and lecturer, Helen Keller (1880-1968), once said, “Life is either a daring adventure, or it is nothing at all.”
    Her story is one of the great miracles of the twentieth century. Millions of people have drawn inspiration from her example.
    Now, go back to the Bible and take a look at the men and women who did great things for God - Noah, Abraham, Moses,
    Joshua,  David,  Elijah,  Esther,  Daniel,  Nehemiah  -  almost  without  exception,  they  were  risk-takers  who  were  prepared,
    through faith, to lay it all on the line for God.

    The Apostle Peter is also an interesting character. Sometimes we see Peter full of faith; other times, we see him full of doubt.
    Despite these extremes, however, Peter was always the one willing to ask hard questions. He was always the one exploring
    what it means to really be a disciple and to follow wherever Jesus led him, whether it made sense to him or not.

    What did these biblical figures have in common? They all stepped forward, following the  call of  God. The life of  faith  is
    inherently a life of risk. If you are unwilling to take a chance, you can never discover what living by faith is all about. If you
    think you have to have all the answers or need to feel 100% at peace before you make a decision, if you’re afraid to take a
    step unless you know that things will work out to your advantage, faith will always be a mystery to you.

    I’m so grateful that I found the courage to step forward in faith and run for Council in this election. Being somewhat new
    here, it definitely felt like a risky endeavour at times, but I chose to approach it as an adventure and I have reaped many
    rewards in the process.  Even though I did not win a seat on Council this time, God blessed me with the opportunity to
    participate in an essential part of our democratic process. This experience has taught me so much more about my new
    community  and  my  role  within  it.  While  “stepping  out  in  faith”  can  often  feel  like  stepping  off  a  cliff,  I’m  comforted  in
    knowing that God always provides a soft place to land.

    It has been a great honour to meet so many of my neighbours and to hear your stories. I was amazed by how welcoming
    each of you were at the doors, how generous you were with your time, guidance and support and how willing you were to
    share your experiences with me. In getting to know the men and women who serve in our various levels of government,
    both past and present, it was truly heartwarming to experience the level of respect, dignity and genuine felllowhip which
    was demonstrated by all departments and supporting organizations as well as between the candidates themselves. I feel so
    proud to have stood amongst such a decent and kind-hearted group of people.

    What started as a leap of faith has unfolded into a fun, enriching and rewarding experience and I want to thank each and
    every one of you for the role you played along the way.  Even though I will not be representing you in an official capacity, I
    can promise you that I will continue to find new ways to support Council and to serve this community, as God leads.
    I know there are many of you who want to see our community move forward so I encourage you to stay in touch with me,
    share your ideas and get involved!

    For    more    information   on    my    upcoming     local   initiatives,   please   follow   my   Facebook    page,  visit  my  website,  or  email  me  at

    May God bless Centre Hastings and our incoming Municipal Council and may He grant us freedom, safety and prosperity
    over the next 4 years, and beyond!

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