Page 15 - October 2023 News On 7
P. 15

                              “And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And
                              be thankful.” - Colossians 3:15

                              The holiday season can be a whirlwind of emotions and responsibilities, as we navigate family
                              dynamics and the pressures that come with it. It’s during these times that we may find
     ourselves feeling overwhelmed, disconnected, or even questioning the strength of our relationships. But fear not, for there
     are ways to not only survive but thrive during this journey together as a couple.  Before the chaos takes over, find a quiet
     moment to sit down with your spouse. Let’s call it your “sanity session.” This is an opportunity to have an open and honest
     conversation  about  your  expectations  and  concerns.  Share  your  thoughts,  fears,  and  hopes  for  the  holiday  season.  By
     doing so, you create a safe space where both of you can feel heard and supported. Remember, communication is key in any
     relationship,  and  this  simple  act  of  checking  in  with  each  other  can  lay  the  foundation  for  a  strong  and  connected
     Amidst  the  hustle  and  bustle  of  the  holiday  season,  it’s  essential  to  pause  and  express  gratitude.  Take  a  moment  to
     appreciate your spouse’s efforts and unwavering support. It could be as simple as saying “thank you” for their help with
     preparations or acknowledging their thoughtfulness in planning a special celebration. By validating the small acts of love
     and kindness, you not only make your spouse feel valued but also create a ripple effect of love and appreciation in your
     Thanksgiving and other celebrations are also an opportunity to demonstrate what a strong marriage looks like to others,
     including  your  children  and  other  family  members.  Be  intentional  in  how  you  display  affection  towards  your  spouse,
     whether it’s through small gestures like holding hands or showing appreciation for one another verbally. Engage in positive
     and respectful conversations with each other and with family members, modeling effective communication skills. Make
     decisions together as a team, and be patient and understanding with one another, recognizing that the holiday season can
     bring added stress.
     But Thanksgiving is not the only time to demonstrate these values of gratitude and appreciation. Teaching gratitude to
     your children and grandchildren can be integrated into daily life. Emphasize the importance of expressing appreciation for
     acts of kindness shown to them, such as saying “thank you” when someone does something nice for them. Help them write
     thank-you notes for gifts or gestures of love they receive. Foster a sense of gratitude by reminding them to be thankful for
     the little things in life, like a beautiful sunset or a warm meal. Encourage kindness and appreciation towards others by
     setting an example and reinforcing positive behavior.
     By incorporating these practices into your family’s daily life and holiday gatherings, you not only strengthen your own
     relationship but also inspire those around you to cultivate love, humility, and gratitude in their own lives.
     Wishing you a Thanksgiving season filled with warmth, joy, and a renewed sense of love for one another. Let this be a time
     of deepening your connection with your spouse and creating lasting memories with loved ones. May you find peace and
     contentment in each other’s company as you navigate the “beautiful chaos” of the holiday season together.

     Tracy is a Marketplace Minister, licensed wedding officiant, life/marriage coach, and funeral celebrant. For more info, visit
     To view her other content such as Topical Articles, Devotionals, Process of Illumination Blog & Practical Ministry Podcast on
     Substack go to
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