Page 14 - October 2023 News On 7
P. 14

Dr. Jim's Computer Repair                     TECH TALK
                     Jim Sanders

       Welcome  to  tech  talk.  The  kids  are  back  in  school  and  fall  is  starting  to  set  in.    The  leaves  are  starting  to  turn  and
       thoughts of cooler weather are upon us.  As we migrate inside our computers and electronic devices are getting used
       more.  Great time to think about tune-ups and making sure our devices are free of malware and any other impedances
       that may be slowing your system down.
       We  know  have  an  anti-virus  program  that  also  helps  keep  malicious  software  from
       being installed on your devices.  With the constant bombardment of pop-up windows
       that tell you to call Microsoft stating your device is infected is on the rise.  Some are
       aware that this is not Microsoft and not to call but these companies’ prey on the ones
       that do not know and end up making the call.  $$$$$ are being stretched to the max
       right now, let’s not end up being a victim.  As always if you have any questions, please
       feel free to ask.

       Until next time.
       Dr. Jim
       You  can  find  me  @  Dr,  Jim’s  Computer  Repair  at  392  Front  St  in  Downtown  Belleville  and  on  Facebook
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