Page 11 - October 2023 News On 7
P. 11

                   This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.
                   Submitted by Scott Foster, Financial Advisor, Edward Jones
                   317 DECLAIR ROAD, MADOC, ON K0K 2K0

     In the last two years, the conventional mortgage lending rate for five-year term mortgages rose 77%.  According to the
     Bank of Canada, the 1.4 million Canadians who got a mortgage in 2020 or 2021 could see their average monthly payment
     be 30% or higher within five years.  If it's time to renew your mortgage, higher payments could impact your financial

     Here are five things you may want to consider to help control your payments.
     1. Pay a lump sum
     Renewing your mortgage may be the best time to make a lump sum payment. Putting down a lump sum at the time of
     renewal goes directly toward reducing the principal and typically can be done without incurring any penalties. If you
     don't have the cash on-hand, you may want to consider liquidating assets if it makes sense for you. Be aware, though, that
     this could mean selling assets at a less-than-optimal time.
     2. Are there tax implications?
     When you change the frequency of your mortgage payments, you not only change how often you pay, but the amount you
     pay toward principal.
     If you choose to pay more frequently, more of your payments go toward principal, meaning you'll pay less interest over
     the life of the mortgage, and you'll be able to pay it down faster. On the other hand, a less-frequent payment schedule
     means you make fewer payments per year, which could enable you to manage your cash flow more easily.
     If you choose to pay less frequently, you could choose to make lump sum payments during the year if you find that you
     have extra cash. Be sure to read the terms of your mortgage before doing this, as many lenders have limits on how much
     extra you can pay per year.
     3. Renew for a shorter term
     According  to  the  Canadian  Mortgage  and  Housing  Corporation  (CMHC),  more  Canadians  are  choosing  shorter-term
     fixed-rate mortgages.3 Shorter term rates typically come with higher rates, but the hope of many Canadians is that the
     Bank of Canada will choose to lower rates before their next renewal.
     4. Extend your amortization
     If you increase your amortization, you extend the amount of time you'll be paying down your mortgage, but you'll likely
     reduce your payments. This could enable you to have better control over your cashflow, but you'll likely spend longer
     paying down your mortgage.

     5. Downsize or co-habitate
     If you find that you're unable to afford your
     mortgage payments, selling and downsizing
     for  a  more  affordable  home  could  be  an
     option to consider. Living with and splitting
     payments  with  a  friend  or  family  member
     could also enable you to better manage your

     What  you  do  depends  entirely  on  your
     unique  situation.  Before  you  renew  your
     mortgage,  you  should  research  all  of  your
     options.  Talk  to  me  about  how  the  choices
     you  make  could  impact  your  financial
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