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Milica Jelenic, Marmora, ON
                    Sex Therapist

     What Does a Sex and Intimacy Coach Do:

     An  open  dialogue:  Sex  and  intimacy  coaches  create  a  safe,  nonjudgmental  space  where  clients  can  discuss  their  sexual
     concerns,  desires,  and  goals  without  fear  of  judgment  or  ridicule.  They  promote  open  dialogue,  active  listening,  and
     empathy to enable clients to fully explore their unique experiences.

     Education and Guidance: Sex and intimacy coaches offer clients comprehensive knowledge about sexual health, pleasure,
     consent  and  communication  relating  to  intimacy.  Additionally,  they  can  advise  clients  on  techniques,  practices  and
     exercises designed to deepen intimacy while developing an increased awareness of one's desires.

     Goal Setting and Skill Development: Sex and intimacy coaches assist clients in setting realistic goals and developing the
     necessary skills to meet them. They may focus on issues like improving communication with a partner, addressing sexual
     difficulties or exploring alternative forms of sexual expression.

     What a Sex and Intimacy Coach Doesn't Do:

     Therapy  or  Diagnosis:  Sexual  and  intimacy  coaches  do  not  diagnose  or  treat  mental  health  disorders  or  physiological
     conditions, though if a client requires therapeutic assistance they may refer them to appropriate professionals.

     Encourage  Illegal  Activities:  Sex  and  intimacy  coaches  uphold  ethical  and
     legal regulations when providing their services. We are not prostitutes.

     Substitute for Medical Advice: Sex and intimacy coaches possess knowledge
     about  sexual  health  and  will  encourage  you  to  seek  medical  advice  when

     Sex and intimacy coaches play an invaluable role in supporting individuals
     and couples on their path toward healthier sexual and intimate lives.
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