Page 8 - June 2023 News On 7
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                 An Awakening Meditation

     Whether you are awakened by the alarm, the hungry pet, the ambitious children or mother nature, there comes the time
     when you start a new day. Have you ever considered doing an “Awakening Meditation”?
     The key to the awakening meditation is to give yourself a few moments to be in the “now” and to be “aware” of your body
     to set your “attitude” for the day ahead. Your thoughts create your reality. If you begin your day with negativity, that is
     what you will experience. On the other hand, if you allow yourself to be positive then you will be open to attract more
     positive experiences throughout your day.

     Why not challenge yourself to do this for the upcoming week?
     ·Lie on your back, bending your knees up.
     ·Keeping your eyes closed, take in a long slow deep breath through your nose and slowly exhale through your mouth.
     ·Bring your awareness to the top of your head on the next inhalation, then as you exhale take your awareness down your
     body to your feet, being aware of how your body feels.
     ·Be grateful for the blessings in your life and that you can embrace a new day.
     ·Say to yourself,” I give thanks for this day. I am in control, relaxed and worthy to receive positivity into my life. I release
     what doesn’t serve my higher good.”
     ·Open your eyes as you inhale, stretch as you exhale.

     Who said meditation was difficult? Happy Awakening!

                  DANELLA HESLER
                  BACK TO HEALTH, ELDOROADO, ON

     Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale): Dandelions are one of the best-known and widespread edible weeds, widely utilized for
     salads or even made into wine or jelly! Their young leaves may also be harvested and added directly into a recipe.
     Purslane (Portulaca oleracea): Purslane is an edible succulent weed packed with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A, C and
     E that can be added to salads or cooked like spinach for easy snacking or cooking purposes. The leaves and stems can also
     be eaten raw!
     Chickweed (Stellaria media): Chickweed is a mild-flavored weed packed with vitamins and minerals that is often used as an
     addition to salads or cooked as spinach-style leaves or stems. Nettles (Urtica dioica): Nettles are an abundance of iron,
     calcium and vitamin C--making it a nutritious weed with edible young leaves that can be cooked like spinach or used to
     make tea from it.
     Lamb's Quarters (Chenopodium album): Also known as wild spinach, Lamb's quarters is an abundant source of vitamins A
     and C as well as iron and calcium - providing essential nutrition in an edible form that can be added directly into salads or
     cooked as spinach would be. The leaves can also be eaten raw!
     These are only some examples of edible weeds that may be overlooked or disregarded. It's essential that before eating any
     wild plants from nature that they be carefully identified in order to ensure they are safe and not toxic. Also, make sure the
     area is free of weed killer.
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