Page 81 - DPM4_Winter_2021_Flipbook
P. 81

Step 1: Base the left side with Yellow Ochre, at least three (3) coats to cover (unless you have a very heavy hand). Base the right side with Burnt Ochre and blend in the middle where they meet.
Highlight the middle left side with French Grey 10%. Blend edges with Yellow Ochre if needed to soften. This value should ‘disappear’ in the middle rather than stop, so blend the edges well.
Step 2: Place holes in the sponge with Burnt Ochre on the left side and Dark Brown on the right side. Fade out the right side of the holes by easing up on the pressure.
Shade the edges with Burnt Ochre, then, if needed, Dark Brown. If this value gets too dark, blend over it with Yellow Ochre. Shade the right side darker with French Grey 90% if needed.
Step 1: Place the dots on first with Ginger Root. They can be random or organized – your choice. Place Poppy Red on the line of the fold for the light area. Place Crimson Lake next to it and blend in the middle where they meet. For the next section, Poppy Red will be next to the Crimson Lake but
will not be blended. This is what gives the sharp separation. On the left half of the paper cup, highlight lightly the sharp edge with Ginger Root over Poppy Red.
*Crimson Lake blends a little easier over Poppy Red than the reverse, so make the Poppy Red strip a bit wider to give yourself blending room. Paint around the dots. You can reinforce the value later on.
Step 2: Starting at the right edge (that is away from the light source), tickle a very light layer of Black Cherry overall. This will change the value slightly and add roundness to the paper cup. Hold the pencil further back on the shaft, which gives you a lighter touch.

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