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Green Meadows  |  Danville, IL

        Expertise Through Specialization //

        With more than $2.7 billion in closed commercial multifamily transactions and a combined industry experience of 75+ years, the Colliers International-
        Affordable Housing Group has earned a strong reputation across the country. The Affordable Housing Group is regarded as an industry leader in
        the highly specialized community of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), and affordable multifamily
        investment groups. The Affordable Housing Group has extensive hands-on experience in the sale of multifamily properties with Project-Based
        Section 8, LIHTC, HUD-insured debt, state agency financing, and value-add subsidies. By commanding industry expertise, the Affordable Housing
        Group is able to execute the sale and restructuring of these highly complex transactions with ease. The group’s understanding of how financing,
        rent subsidy contracts, use restrictions, state agency issues, sources of gap financing, property tax adjustments, and other elements impact the
        value of real estate has been essential to its success. In this, the Affordable Housing Group has a long history of successfully navigating the maze of
        encumbrances, soft-money sources, regulatory restrictions, and tenant income covenants to consummate the transaction and produce substantial
        value for their clients.

        Customized Services //


            We perform a thorough evaluation of our        Throughout the process, we take our role      While marketing our clients’ properties, we
            client’s properties. By reviewing all financial  as stewards of the client’s mission and goals   leave no stone unturned until it has been
            statements, we are able to assess against      seriously. In our initial discussions, we take   exposed to all potential buyers and brokers.
            local industry standards and complete          the time to understand your vision for the    We regularly update our database of buyers by
            financial underwriting that presents the asset   future of the property, the structure of the   tracking Section 8 and LIHTC transactions. We
            in the best possible light, while maintaining   transaction, and any plans you may have for   utilize every medium of advertising technology
            credibility. We skillfully identify value that   the proceeds. With these goals at the forefront   and actively reach out to those in the industry
            is not typically visible to others by bringing   of our concern, we actively reach out to our   to ensure that all qualified investors are
            the strongest perspective on market trends,    nationwide network of investors to ensure the   apprised of the deal. Through this method, the
            thorough understanding of the property,        best possible fit for the deal.               Affordable Housing Group has consistently
            and comprehensive analysis. This enhances                                                    delivered multiple offers, creating a competitive
            certainty in our transactions and ensures the                                                bidding environment in our transactions.
            highest value possible in the market.

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