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Green Meadows  |  Danville, IL

        Affordable Housing Group //

        BRANDON PYLE / Senior Analyst                      SIERRA MARANGOLA / Client Services Specialist       CONNIE JIN / Research Analyst
        Tel: 949-724-5500                                  Tel: 949-724-5591                                   Tel: 949-724-5500
        Email:                   Email:                Email:
                                                           Lic. 02028439

        Brandon is the Senior Analyst for the Affordable   Sierra serves as the Client Services Specialist     Connie serves as the Research Analyst for the
        Housing Group. With more than half a decade        for the Affordable Housing Group. With an in-       Affordable Housing Group. With a diverse
        of experience in real estate analytics, Brandon    depth background in marketing, graphic design       background in support, operations, and
        has refined his skill-set to become an expert in   and client relations, Sierra has been integral in   research, Connie is an asset to the group.
        affordable housing underwriting and analytics,     fostering the growth of the Affordable Housing
        building financial models for both Section 8 and   Group.                                              Connie leverages her skill-set to assist the
        Tax Credit deals alike.                                                                                group in gathering market data and analysis,
                                                           As the Client Services Specialist, Sierra           assisting in marketing efforts, and maintaining
        Working closely with the group, Brandon’s          collaborates with all parties in the transaction    the database. In this, she works closely with all
        primary responsibility is to determine the financial   for an efficient transaction process. Before    members of the group to assist in the day-to-
        feasibility and value of projects, and to analyze   escrow, she works closely with both buyer and      day work-flow.
        all due diligence items to identify any potential   seller representatives to ensure that all required
        pitfalls or obstacles. In this, he prepares proforma   documentation is in good order for a smooth
        models that detail operating and development       transition throughout the transaction process.
        costs, sources, and timing. Using his years        Active involvement continues during escrow;
        of industry experience, Brandon is diligent in     general oversight, tracking, coordination of all
        his analysis and consistently delivers the best    due diligence materials, acting as liaison between
        possible value estimates for a deal.               escrow companies and mortgage brokers, and
                                                           tending to client needs and requests are just a
                                                           few of the ways that Sierra is involved.

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