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Green Meadows  |  Danville, IL

        Affordable Housing Group Marketing Strategy //

             DAY      Direct Calls: Made to our team’s       DAY      Announcement of Property            DAY      Best & Final Offering: Top
              1-4     “Top 20 List” of prospective buyers     15      Tours: All property tours will be    35      3-5 Buyers will be invited to
                      specifically identified for Green               conducted on a specific date                 participate in a Best & Final
                      Meadows.                                        in an effort to reduce any site              Offering.

             DAY      Marketing Launch Announcement:         DAY      Call for Offers Deadline: Once      DAY      Final Counter Offer/Buyer In-
               5      Will be emailed to developers           21      all Letters of Intent have been     40       terviews: A meeting or call will
                                                                                                                   be held to discuss which offer
                                                                      submitted, we will analyze and
                      throughout the country.
                                                                      create a summary for your                    is most attractive. There will
                                                                      review.                                      also be the option to interview
                                                                                                                   the top buyers.

             DAY      Direct Phone Calls: Made to            DAY      Property Tours: Will be held for    DAY      Buyer Selection.

             6-14     active buyers across the nation        30       the most qualified buyers who        45
                                                                      submitted offers. Led by a
                      will be made to ensure all groups
                      are aware of this offering.                     member of our team, these visits
                                                                      typically consist of brief in-
                                                                      spections of 2-3 units, common
                                                                      areas, and boiler/utility rooms.

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