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Green Meadows  |  Danville, IL

        Affordable Housing Group //

        JESSE P. ELSANHUTY / Vice President                PETER M. KOHLY / Associate                          CONNOR T. CANALE / Associate
        Tel: 949-724-5590                                  Tel: 949-724-5595                                   Tel: 949-724-5507
        Email:                Email:                     Email:
        Lic. 01773542                                      Lic. 02031514                                       Lic. 02045890

        Jesse has more than 7 years of experience in       Peter joined the Affordable Housing Group as a      Connor joined the Affordable Housing Group as
        commercial real estate. After just a few years in   Research Analyst and developed into the role of    an Associate. With experience in sales and real
        the industry, Jesse recognized a demand across     Associate shortly thereafter. A rising commercial   estate, Connor brings a strong work ethic and
        the nation for affordable housing specialists.     real estate agent with a background in real estate   vision to the group.
        He joined the Affordable Housing Group and         finance, Peter is a strong addition to the team.
        repositioned his target to the brokerage of                                                            Connor is energetic in expanding his industry
        Project-Based Section 8 and government             Peter’s experience as a research analyst for the    expertise and developing into the role of
        subsidized housing.                                group allowed him to learn the business from the    affordable housing specialist. His ability to
                                                           inside out, gaining valuable insight and expertise   forge strong client relationships, his industry
        While he has represented a wide spectrum           in affordable housing nationwide. Peter’s           perspective, and his tenacity are just a few of
        of owners, Jesse’s true expertise lies in          exemplary customer service skills, understanding    the things that enable him to excel.
        representing nonprofit organizations. He           of real estate finance and extensive foresight
        understands the intricacies of working alongside   have provided him with a strong foundation and
        decision makers to form a plan that will help to   are just a few of the things that set Peter apart
        preserve the legacy of the property while also     from his competitors.
        maximizing the value.

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