Page 4 - Rail Express - September 2019
P. 4
Editor’s Comment
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Marketforce UK Ltd, 5ChurchillPlace,CanaryWharf,
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Printedby William Gibbonsand Sons, Wolverhampton
Bickerdyke Published ThirdFridayofevery month
This issue August 16,2019
Next issue September 20,2019
Rail Express Advertisingdeadline September 6, 2019
Editor ISSN No 1362 234X
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Please do notsend images that have alreadybeensent to other
publications.Prints&slides aresent at theowner’sriskand must
ETWORK Rail’s National Operations Centre high-profile failures. In asimilar vein, the NOC be accompaniedbyaSAE forreturn. Digital imagescan be sent
is afascinating place, perhaps one that oversees charter train operations, which also by email, but please bear in mindwemay not be able to reply
to every one, as we receivehundredsofimageseach week.
Nfew outsideofthe industry knowexists, have the potential to affect regular services if Although carewillbetaken withsubmissions, Rail Express assumes
and this month our contributor PhilMarsh things go wrong. no responsibilityfor loss/damage, howevercaused. Submitted
material mayalsobeusedinconnection withother MortonsMedia
waslucky enough to spend some time there Based in Milton Keynes, it is afascinating Groupprojects or as content on theinternet.Paymentfor material
observing the work done to keep services aspect of our railwayoperations and we thank used will be made promptly.Pleasesenddigitalsubmissions to CD or DVDtothe editorial
running on time. the team forletting us seethem in action. address.
IMPORTANT: Images should be ex-camerawithnoPhotoshop
The NOC monitors the entirenetwork manipulation.
around the clock, overseeing local route control Past and future
and stepping in when major incidents occur. LNER is one operator that knows howtocreate ADVERTISING
Group advertising manager SueKeily
Problems that affect passenger and freight abuzz, and the launch of its ‘Azuma’trains has
services rangefromsimpletocomplicated, been no exception. Forthe start of services Advertising FionaLeak Tel: 01507529573
serious to ridiculous –although even sombrero- north of York,the companystaged an event Email:
wearing drunks(as happened when Philwas that sawone of its Class 800 bi-modes seen
there) need to be taken seriouslywhen theyare off from the city by worldrecord-holding steam Publishingdirector DanSavage
near to moving trains, while fartoo often the loco Mallard andmet on arrival at Darlington Publisher TimHartley
team has to deal with the sad news of asuicide by Flying Scotsman,arguablythe most famous Production editor Sarah Wilkinson
Designers Charlotte Fairman,MikeBaumber,
on railwayproperty. locomotiveinthe world. Such linkswith the East Jake Sidebotham
The NOC also deals with moreeveryday Coast past areafitting waytosee in its future. Reprographics Jonathan Schofield
aspects of operations –such as incorrectly Subscriptionmanager Paul Deacon
loaded wagons, or vehicles with wheel flatspots Paul Bickerdyke Circulation manager Steve O’Hara
–aswell as planning forextreme weather EDITORIAL
or anticipating disruptions that large public Want to knowwhen Editor Paul Bickerdyke Tel: 01507529540
demonstrations might pose to services.
Perhaps less well known is its role in helping your next edition of Editorialaddress
struggling operations getbackontrack (no pun Rail Express is on the Rail ExpressMagazine, MortonsMediaGroup Ltd,
intended). This has been done with mailservices shelves? PO Box99, Horncastle,LincolnshireLN9 6LZ
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Nigel Burkin David Russell Christopher
Editor Preservation Westcott
Rail Express Units David Rapson LU World
Modeller Coaches Powerscene (with Piers Connor)
Gareth Bayer Irish Angle ‘Industry
Alistair Grieve Powerbythe hour (with Alan Witness’
Shunters Wagons McFerran) News Writer