Page 9 - Rail Express - September 2019
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          Steam legends help launch Scottish ‘Azumas’                                                                                 IN BRIEF

          LNERintroducedClass800 bi-modes to                                                                                           ‘FLIRTS’ENTER SERVICE
          Anglo-Scottish services from the start                                                                                       STADLER bi-mode No. 755410became
          of Augustand,prior to that, ranpress                                                                                         the firstofGreaterAnglia’s newfleet
          previews trips from York to Darlington on                                                                                    to enter service on July29when it
          July30and Edinburgh-Berwick on July31.                                                                                       worked between Norwichand Great
             The York trip wasgreeted by A4                                                                                            Yarmouth/Lowestoft –the loco-
          steam loco No. 4468 Mallard,holder of                                                                                        hauled ‘short set’ diagram. Theunit
          the worldsteam record (126mph set in                                                                                         is one of 38 three and four-carClass
          1938), at York andA3No. 60103 Flying                                                                                         745s beingintroduced ontoregional
          Scotsman,the world’smost famous                                                                                              services in East Anglia, partof1,000
          steam loco, at Darlington.                                                                                                   newvehicles being builtfor the GA
             Mallard has rarely left theNational                                                                                       network. The ‘shortset’ is notfinished
          Railway Museuminthe last 30 years,                                                                                           with yet, however, as it wasinservice
          so required much work by the museum                                                                                          on selecteddaysinAugust whilethe
         to getitfitand approvedintime to                                                                                               ‘745s’ arebedded in.
         be hauledonNetwork Rail metals. On
         the day, DB Cargo’s Nos. 66050and                                                                                             ‘MIDDY’DIESEL
          66134 ‘top and tailed’ the A4 from the                                                                                       THE Mid-SuffolkLight Railway at
          museum to the station’s platform 7via                                                                                        Wetheringsett, near Stowmarket,
          Holgate Sidings so it could be lined up                                                                                      took delivery of anew locomotive in
          with No. 800113.                        A4 No. 4468 Mallard linesupwith ‘Azuma’ No. 800113 at York on July30.                June with thearrivalofJohn Fowler
                                                                                                                                       0-4-0 diesel No. 20337. Built in 1933
                                                                                               The Edinburgh previewtrip               it worked at theNabisco Foodsfactory
                                                                                           featured No.800104with special              in Welwyn Garden City (originally the
                                                                                           tartan adornments to the LNER               ShreddedWheatCo. until taken over)
                                                                                           bodyside stripe as well as Scottish         beforebeing soldin1974for static
                                                                                           flags on the driving cabs. The same          exhibit.
                                                                                           set wasused on the following day                With 45 yearsoutside at various
                                                                                           forthe first passenger services, the         sites it wasa daunting task to restore,
                                                                                           05.40 Edinburgh-King’s Cross and            but thenew owners took just six
                                                                                           17.30 return.                               monthstostripthe engine locomotive
                                                                                               With north of York nowcleared           down and rebuildfor itsnew home,
                                                                                           forelectric‘Azuma’ services, theywill       arriving in time forthe railway’s diesel
                                                                                           graduallyreplace thecompany’s Mk.4          gala on June30. Originally builtwitha
                                                                                           andHST sets by mid2020.                     40hppetrolengine it wasre-engined
                                                                                                                                       by Fowlerin1956 with aMcLaren 40hp
                                                                                           A3 No. 60103 Flying Scotsman greets         diesel engine, which it still carries -
                                                                                           No. 800113 at Darlington on July30.         albeitwith alot of newparts.

                                                                                                                                       FUNDING FORCAMP HILL
          ‘Deltic’ repairs to start                Nemesis’ depot, Burton-on-Trent, while   away to Sulzer forstripping and repair.    PLANSfor thenew Camp Hill stations
                                                   inquiries and inspections were made         Meanwhile, work is to start on          have received a£15 million funding
          AFTER months of investigation            to ascertainwhat went wrong. All six     stripping aprevious bogie fault,           from the Department forTransport.
          following its disastrous failureon       traction motors and amaingenerator       which has seen arubbing on the             Thefunding is astep towardsresuming
          March3whilst hauling the southbound      were damaged in ahugepowersurge.A        inside of acentrewheelset. Alycidon        passenger servicesonthe Camp Hill
          ‘Auld Reekie’ railtour from Edinburgh,   forensic engineer wasevencalledin.       is not expected back in service for        Line calling at Moseley, Kings Heath
          the go-ahead has been given to start        Beforerepairs canbegin, No. D9009     some months. The DPShas opened a           andHazelwell Stations.Transport
          repairs on Class 55 No. D9009 (55009)    must first be lifted off its bogies onto  crowdfunding appeal as this will be a      forthe West Midlands (TfWM) and
          Alycidon.                                accommodationbogies, which will allow    costly repair.Details canbefound on        theWestMidlandsRailExecutive
             The ‘Deltic’ had been quarantined at  the six motors to be removedand sent     the DPSwebsite at        (WMRE),working with rail industry
                                                                                                                                       partners including Network Rail and
                                                                                                                                       West Midlands Trains, areleading the
                                                                                                                                       development of the newstations.
                                                                                                                                           The Camp Hill linestations closed
                                                                                                                                       during 1941and sincethen,the line
                                                                                                                                       hasbeen used onlybyfreight and
                                                                                                                                       non-stop through-services. These
                                                                                                                                       newstations will provide regulartrain
                                                                                                                                       services into BirminghamNew Street.

                                                                                                                                       NORTHAM OPENDAY
                                                                                                                                       SOUTH WesternRailway will hold
                                                                                                                                       an openday on September 28 at
                                                                                                                                       the Northam Traincare Depotin
                                                                                                                                       Southampton. Theevent will be
                                                                                                                                       hostedbySiemens Mobilityin
                                                                                                                                       partnershipwith SWRand is thefirst
                                                                                                                                       timethe depothas openedits doors
                                                                                                                                       since SouthWestern Railway became
                                                                                                                                       the train operator.
                                                                                                                                       Siemens Class 444and 450 ‘Desiro’
                                                                                                                                       trains,and the eventcoincideswith
                                                                                                                                       16 years since the fleets were
          SPAVALLEY LASH-UP: Recent yearshave seen the summer diesel gala at the Spa ValleyRailway close with amultiple-headed         introducedonthe route. The event is
          working of the diesels that have taken part. This year,however, the ‘lash-up’ wasmovedtothe Saturday, August 3, when Nos. 27001,  free, with booking available nowat
          D821, 31430, 73140 and 33063 headed the 18.00 TunbridgeWells West to Eridge, which is seen passing Poke Hill Farm. NeilWalkling
                                                                                                                                      September 2019 RAIL EXPRESS 9
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