Page 14 - Rail Express - September 2019
P. 14


         When SaturdayCame


          The beaches and favourable climate around Torbaysaw it become apopular

          tourist destination that brought in astream of long-distance loco-hauled workings
          through to the early2000s.

               HE area around TorbayinDevonhas    this wasextendedtoa newTorquay           insufficientfor the busiestperiods,
               beeninhabitedsince prehistoric     stationand Paigntoninsummer 1859,        so some trainsworkedempty backto
         Ttimes, and Paigntonitself               completingathrough routebetween          Newton Abbot, wheretherewerealso
          wasmentioned in the11th century         London and Torbay. The Dartmouth         loco servicing facilities until1981.
          DomesdayBook,remaininga small           and TorbayRailway extended theroute          The line to Kingswear wassold by
          fishing town untilthe 19th century when  even further, reachingKingswear (for     BritishRailatthe end of 1972, to be
          trips to theseaside began to become     Dartmouth)insummer1864.                  reopened at the beginning of 1973
          fashionable amongst those with time,                                             as the Paignton &Dartmouth Steam
          andmoney, on their hands.               DIESEL WORKINGS                          Railway –althoughaconnectionremains
             Like many coastaltowns,however,      Main line dieselisation beganinthe late  to thisday forthrough-railtoursand
          it wasthe comingofthe railwaythat       1950swiththe introduction of Type 4      loco movements.
          transformed theareaintothe tourist      ‘Warships’ (Classes 41-43), andsteam         Loco-hauled summerSaturday
         destinationitistoday.The Great Western   wascompletelyousted in the mid-          servicestoTorquay and Paignton
         Railway opened itslinefromLondon to      1960s. Passengertrafficonthe branch      remained busythrough the1970s and
         Bristolin1841, with the Bristol &Exeter  wasstill heavy, however, especially on   1980s, with Classes 35,42, 43 45,46,
         Railway opening throughout in 1844,      summer Saturdays when therewas           47, 50 and52featuring –although
         followedbythe South DevonRailway to      almost aconstant stream of long-         localservices were also in thehands
         NewtonAbbot at theend of 1846 and        distance trains from London, the North,  ofClasses22, 25, 31 and33at
          Plymouth in 1849.                       Scotlandand South Wales –including       various times.
             The branch from AllerJunction to     overnightworkings.                           Summer1984 had20loco-hauled
          Torre– the original Torquaystation–         Carriage sidingswereavailableat      arrivals anddeparturesfromPaignton,
         wascompleted at theend of 1848, and      Goodrington, as today,but these were     whichbegan in theearlymorning         ❯ 1


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