Page 11 - Rail Express - September 2019
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NR launches track worker safety taskforce
FOLLOWING the tragedy near Margam,
South Wales, on July3,when twotrack
workersdied after being hit by atrain,
Network Rail has launched a£70 million
scheme to improve track safety.
The taskforce is headed by
Network Rail’s group safety,technical
andengineeringdirector Martin
Frobisher.Itaims to accelerate
the current ‘Near Miss Reduction
Programme’and pull together other
programmes alreadyinplace, such
as designing and developing new
protection andwarningsystems using
digital technology; improving the
planning of trackside work and the
clarity of whoisincharge;and better
managing working time,travelling time
andthe impact of personal lifestyle on
alertness andfitness forwork.
Other aspects coveredbythe
initiativeincluderewarding contractors
forpositivesafety performance;
improving workforcehealth and
fitness, including mental health; and
the introduction of better and more
thorough work risk assessments.
The taskforce will invite
organisations such as theOffice of
Rail andRoad, trades unions, and Network Rail has made improving trackworker safety apriority –the risksbeing demonstrated in this shot at Victoria on July10as
contractorstotakepart. staff work to rerail arailgrinder in the station throat while services continue to run alongside. AlexThorkildsen
CEMENT WAGONS REMOVED: The final pair of extant
former RMCPCA powder tankers at Peak Forest, Nos. RC 10042
and RC 10048, were finallycraned out and removedbyroad
in the first half of July. The previous examples to be scrapped
at Peak Forest in 2017 were cutonsite, but as both of these
wagons were still partiallyloaded this wasimpossible. The pair
movedtoRon Hull Recycling, Rotherham, fordisposal. Asad
end to this colourful fleet. Malcolm Hinitt
POWER CARONSHOWATSWINDON: First built HSTpowercar No.43002 wasonshowatSTEAM
–Museum of the Great Western Railway in Swindon on July17/18, to mark the opening of an exhibition of
nameplates, which included newplates that will be fitted to Great Western Railway’s ‘Castle’ Class mini-HSTs.
No. 43002 stopped off in Swindon as part of its journeytoYork, whereitwillsoon be displayedatthe NRM
after being claimed forthe National Collection. GWR has also announced that its ‘Flying Banana’ farewell HST Essential Readingfor
tour on June 1, which featured No.43002 and last-built No. 43198, raised £30,000 forFirstGroup’s charity Today’sRailwayEnthusiast
partner,Action forChildren. GWR
September 2019 RAIL EXPRESS 11