Page 7 - Rail Express - September 2019
P. 7

Followusontwitter                                                                                                     HEADLINE NEWS

          NewGovernment makes

          commitment to regions

          The North has been                                                                                                                         The North is starting
          promised ahigh speed                                                                                                                       to see newtrains
                                                                                                                                                     come on stream
          link between Leeds and                                                                                                                     at last –and soon
          Manchester.                                                                                                                                TransPennine Express
                                                                                                                                                     will introduce its new
                                                                                                                                                     EMUs, bi-modes and
          By ‘IndustryWitness’                                                                                                                       loco-hauled stock.
                                                                                                                                                     Here bi-mode No.
          INVESTMENT in rail infrastructure                                                                                                          802202 passes Rainhill
          outsideLondonistobea priority for                                                                                                          on August 1witha
          theGovernment formedbynew prime                                                                                                            5Z38/10.25 EdgeHill
          minister Boris Johnson.                                                                                                                    Depot to Liverpool
             The newministerialteam at the                                                                                                           Lime Street test run
          Department forTransportwillsoon                                                                                                            via Earlestown.
          receivethe findings of theWilliams                                                                                                          Mark Youdan
          Review,whichwas set up to recommend
          afuturenew rail industry structure      the failuretorun services planned in May  and takes overfromHarrogateMP           £200 million after beingbarredfromthe
          that would avoid thefailings that led   2018,timetable performance remains       AndrewJones.                             East Midlands franchisecompetition.
          to the poor implementation of the May   belowacceptable levels.TfN says the          The decision marksthe demise of      Stagecoach is also known to be
          2018 timetable.                         potential forchangewillbepivotal in      Chris Grayling, who continued to give    claiming damages.
             As the work hasprogressed, it has    achievinga resetfor the railway andthe   the impression to somethat he wasnot         The disqualificationsresulted in
          beenapparentthatitisconfinedtoa          opportunity formoredevolutiontothe       responsible forsome decisions being      Abelliobeing awardedthe East Midlands
          review of passenger franchisingpolicy,  North’sdecision makers.                  made by officialsatthe Department        contract, whichArrivasaysmeant the
          and that Network Rail will notabsorb        The proposals have the support       forTransport. This included sayingthat   procurement waswon or lost solely on
          responsibility fortrain operations as some  of the prime minister who,ina visitto  barring companies from applyingfor rail  theappetite to takeonrisk associated
          have suggested.                         Manchesterwithin afew                                    franchises aftertheir    with the pensions deficitasopposed to
             It hasbecome clear from Keith        days of being appointed, “Abellio has ordered            refusaltounderwrite      thequalityand valueofthe bid. TheDfT
          Williams, whoisleadingthe review,that   reiterated Government        33 five-carbi-               open-ended pension       wasconsidered to have actedirrationally
          he believes long-lastingreforms must    commitment to the                                        fund deficits wasa        and disproportionally.
          be anchoredinregions and communities    Northern Powerhouse      modes from Hitachi              matterofregret and           Although thehandoverfrom
          that arenearertothe people the          andthe need foran          forthe newEast                notsomething he          Stagecoach to Abellio’s East Midlands
          railway serves.                         improvedraillink                                         would have chosen to     Railway is notdue to takeplaceuntil
             This future policycoincides with     betweenLeeds and         Midlands franchise”             do.Tomanyitwas a         August 18, afleetof33five-car Hitachi
          recommendations made by the Rail North  Manchester. Boris                                        surprising statement     bi-mode A300trainsets wasannounced
          Partnership, formed between the DfT and  Johnsonpromisedahigh speedlinkwould     as there is notmuch point in being in    on July30toreplaceHSTsand Class 222
          Transport forthe North (TfN), which jointly  be built, although where the£15 billion  charge if decisionsare being made that  ‘Meridian’ rolling stock.The bi-modes
          manages the Northern andTransPennine    funding will come from remainsunclear.   youdisagree with. Hopefullythe new       will be built at Newton Aycliffe, County
          Express franchises. Thefindings published                                         transport secretary can restorecredibility  Durham, from 2020-22.
          in Julyask howNetwork Rail could have   FUTURE FRANCHISING                       to futurefranchise competitions.             Abellio also is drafting in 21 four-car
          amoreexplicitand integrated focuson     As partofthe ministerialchanges, Chris       The decision to ban Arriva,          Class 360EMUsinDecember 2020 after
          the North,and whetherand howa more      Grayling wasreplacedasSecretaryof        Stagecoach, and Virgin from current      they finishwithGreater Anglia. Diesel
          effective guiding mind canbeput in place.  State forTransport by Grant Shapps    bidding could becomeexpensivefor         units will be cascaded in during 2020,
             Although there hasbeen               andthere is anew rail ministerinChris    the Government,ascourt documents         comprisingfour Class 180s, fiveClass
          improvement in train operations since   Heaton-Harris, who is theMPfor Daventry  issued by Arrivaseek compensationof      170s andnineClass 156s.  E

          DRScharity open day

          raises £10,000

          DIRECT Rail Services’annualopenday washeld at its
          Carlisle Kingmoor base this year on July 20,and saw
          around 2000visitorsraising £10,000 forcharity                                                                                  ESSENTIAL READING
             During theevent, No. 66428 wasnamed Carlisle                                                                              FORTODAY’S RAIL ENTHUSIAST...
          Eden Mind by DavidPeattie, the chief operating officer                                                                              EVERYISSUE!
          of the NuclearDecommissioningAuthority(NDA),
          in honourofthe localmental health charity.Then                                                                                    S    SC I       O
          No. 66302was named Endeavour by Natasha Hanson,                                                                                       ON PAGE 12
          business services directoratDRS,inhonourofthe
          company’slinks with shipping firm International
          Nuclear Services.                                                                                                          READTHESEISSUESAND
             Nineteen locos were on show:Nos.37401/409/                                                                              HUNDREDSMOREINTHE
          419, 47593, 57007/301/303, 66302/424/426/427/
          428/433, 68006/017/018/022/033 and88009.

          Right: One of six Class 66s at the Kingmoor open day
          on Julywas No. 66426, which is seen raised from its
          bogies on jacks. Colin Pottle                                                                                    
                                                                                                                                      September 2019 RAIL EXPRESS 7
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