Page 24 - Senior School Subject Selection Book 2022
P. 24


        Chemistry is the study of materials and their properties      chemical systems, structures and properties
        and structure. Chemistry is often referred to as the   •   understanding of the factors that affect chemical
        “central science” because of its  role in connecting the      systems and how chemical systems can be
        physical sciences, which include chemistry, with the life      controlled to produce desired products
        sciences and applied sciences such as medicine and    •   appreciation of chemistry as an experimental
        engineering.                                             science that has developed through independent
                                                                 and collaborative research, and that has significant
        Senior Chemistry students participate in a range of      impacts on society and implications for decision-
        experiments and investigations which allow for the       making
        progressive development of their suite of science inquiry   •   expertise in conducting a range of scientific
        skills, while gaining an enhanced appreciation of chemical      investigations, including the collection and
        structure and properties. Collaborative experimental      analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, and the
        work  also  helps  students  to  develop  communication,      interpretation of evidence
        interaction, and self-management skills.              •   ability to critically evaluate and debate scientific
                                                                 arguments and claims in order to solve problems
        Students in Year 11 & 12 study:                          and generate informed, responsible and ethical
        •   Atomic theory, chemical bonding and the structure        conclusions
           and properties of elements and compounds           •   ability to communicate chemical understanding
        •   Intermolecular forces, gases, aqueous solutions,          and findings to a range of audiences, including
           acidity and rates of reaction                         through the use of appropriate representations,
        •   Equilibrium processes and redox reactions            language and nomenclature.
        •   Organic chemistry, synthesis and design
                                                               Career Opportunities:
        Studying Chemistry will develop students’:
        •   interest in and appreciation of chemistry and its
           usefulness in helping to explain phenomena          •   Research, forensic or environmental scientist
           and solve problems encountered in their ever-       •   Engineering
           changing world                                      •   Health Science - medicine, pharmacy, allied health
        •   understanding of the theories and models used to      •   Education
           describe, explain and make predictions about        •   Veterinary Science

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