Page 28 - Senior School Subject Selection Book 2022
P. 28


        “The more you know about the past, the better prepared   Modern History benefits students as it enables them to
        you are for the future”- Theodore Roosevelt           thrive in a dynamic, globalised and knowledge-based
                                                              world.  Through  Modern  History,  students  acquire  an
        Modern History at Mackay Christian College has two    intellectual toolkit consisting of future focusedskills.
        main aims:
                                                              This ensures students of Modern History gain a range
        •     First, Modern History seeks to have students gain   of transferable skills that will help them forge their own
            historical  knowledge  and  understanding  about   pathways  to  personal  and  professional  success,  as  well
            some of the main forces that have contributed to the   as become empathetic and critically-literate citizens
            development of the Modern World;                  who are equipped to embrace a multicultural, pluralistic,
        •     Second, Modern History aims to have students think   inclusive,  democratic,  compassionate  and  sustainable
            historically and form a historical consciousness in   future.
            relation to these same forces.

        Both aims complement and build on the learning covered   Career Opportunities:
        in the Australian Curriculum: Year 7–10 History. The first
        aim is achieved through the thematic organisation      •   Historian / Museum Attendant
        of Modern History around four of the forces that have   •   Museum attendant
        helped to shape the Modern World: ideas, movements,    •   Librarian
        national experiences and international experiences.    •   Law clerk
                                                               •   Writer
        The second aim is achieved through the rigorous        •   Parliamentarian
        application  of  historical  concepts  and  historical  skills   •   Tour guide
        across  the  syllabus.  To  fulfil  both  aims,  Modern  History   •   Teacher
        uses a model of inquiry learning.                      •   Journalist
                                                               •   Business / Economist

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