Page 27 - Senior School Subject Selection Book 2022
P. 27


        Legal   Studies  focuses  on   enhancing   students   An understanding of legal processes, and concepts enables
        understanding of the interaction between society and   citizens to be better informed and able to constructively
        the discipline of law. Students study the legal system and   question and contribute to the improvement of laws and
        how it regulates activities and aims to protect the rights   legal processes. This is important as the law is dynamic
        of individuals, while balancing these with obligations   and evolving, based on values, customs and norms
        and responsibilities. The primary skills of inquiry, critical   that are challenged by technology, society and global
        thinking, problem-solving and reasoning empower Legal   influences.
        Studies students to make informed and ethical decisions
        and recommendations. These are critical skills that allow
        students to think strategically.
                                                               Career Opportunities:
        In Year 11 and 12, students study:
                                                               Legal Studies is invaluable in helping students prepare
        •   Legal  foundations,  the  criminal  investigation
            process, criminal trial process and punishment and   for tertiary study and opens doors to employment in
            sentencing                                         such diverse areas as:
        •     Civil law foundations, contractual obligations,
            negligence and duty of care                        •   Law Firms
        •     Governance in Australia and law reform within a   •   Police Service
            dynamic society                                    •   Government Organisations
        •     Human rights, the effectiveness of international law,   •   Court System
            and human rights in an Australian context          •   Journalism
                                                               •   Social Planning
                                                               •   Social Welfare
                                                               •   Criminology
                                                               •   Justice Studies
                                                               •   Politics

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