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Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) –
Gold and Platinum Turns 60!
Wayne Bell LOMM Reports
Love of Music Magazine The Recording Industry Association of American® (RIAA) is
visited with Chief Technol- the trade organization that supports and promotes the cre-
ogy Officer David Hughes ative and financial vitality of the major music companies.
in his office at the RIAA in Their members comprise the most vibrant record industry
Washington, DC. David is in the world, investing in great artists to help them reach
technological walking history their potential and connect to their fans. Nearly 85% of all
coupled with innovation and legitimate recorded music produced and sold in the United
creation, as he is also an States is created, manufactured and distributed by RIAA
inventor and creator of a members.
Hughes shines with the sharing of number of U.S. and inter-
knowledge and understands educating
national patents. Hughes
the upcoming generations is a key to
is known for his promtion
success, for both the individual artist
and development of technical
and the music industry as a whole.
standards, new formats,
Photo Credit: David Hughes
emerging technologies as well as educating and keeping
the music technology industry up to date and informed.
He sits on the Library of Congress’ National Recording
Preservation Board, has worked with Sony Music running
the Technology Strategies and Digital Policy, created the
industry’s first Global Digital Business department and con-
tributed to industry standards including MPEG, DVD-Audio,
Blu-Ray, UltravVolet and SACD. As well as being instru-
mental in the promotion of the Hi-Resolution Music Industry.
Known as an innovative leader, Hughes has spent a great
part of his life dedicated to the understanding and shar- Music and Technology: A Century of Collaboration. The technology for
storing and reproducing has undergone remarkable transformation
ing of music, its technological intricacies and has worked in the last century.
within digital distribution since the mid 90’s. David holds Photo Credit: LOMM Staff
music related Science and Master’s Degrees from Japan This is the 60th Anniversary of the Gold and Platinum
and Canada. Program recognizing creative excellence around the globe.
This program is the industry’s premier program
Since 1952 the RIAA has hired for celebrating artistic achievement in the
music leaders, has been investing marketplace. The awards earned and
in great artists and protecting bestowed upon artists by the RIAA have
their creative freedom. This is met the most rigorous standards and
the heart of the work at the help them achieve the ranks of the most
RIAA, where members work iconic recording artists in history.
tirelessly to find new artists,
help them reach their poten- Visiting with David at the RIAA was
tial in the business and help educational, informative and inspiring.
them find new fans. The sharing of knowledge, experience
The RIAA supports labels by and information of the music industry
recognizing excellence through builds trust, excitement and helps the
their Gold and Platinum program artist, musician and the industry move
protecting music copyrights, forward to their own goals of success.
providing tools for parents and helping
music creators maintain production standards. | 29