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Volume 39, Issue 4 EBEA Newsletter Page 2
The Elementary School Council met once a month this year. We had representatives from seven of the
elementary schools and were joined this year by a representative for the traveling teachers, including the
instrumental music teachers, Spanish teachers, and TAG teachers. A variety of issues were discussed throughout
the year and many were brought to the DWC for resolution, including the difference in clock times between
buildings, keycard issues, the lack of faculty/department meeting agendas in a timely manner as expressed by
contract, and building safety issues to name a few. Students coming to Back to School Nights was a big issue for
us this year; next year, you should see a change! We are looking forward to next year when we will continue to
work to assist elementary staff throughout the district. If your building was not represented, please determine a
person who will be on this committee for next year and email the EBEA office with the name(s). Together we can
make a difference!
- Kelly Carle and Jenna Lyons , Elementary School Council Co-Chairs
The EBEA Education Support Professionals Council proudly nominated Shari Levy, the Marketing and Public Relations
Director/AIMS Clinic for the Middlesex Education Association’s Friends of Education Community Partner Award. Shari
received this award at the Pines Manor on May 31, 2018 surrounded by her colleagues, and 150 MCEA members. The
EBEA ESP Council has had the pleasure of working with Shari for over two (2) years. Our first encounter with Shari was
when the ESP Council reached out to the AIMS Clinic to offer assistance with their annual coat drive. She was so grateful
that we wanted to join her coat-drive team and immediately jumped into action. She put out press releases through the
local newspapers to notify the public of the coat drive and provided interviews through our township EBTV to help get
the word out. She provided the necessary support and leadership to our organization to help us make a difference in the
community. Throughout the East Brunswick School District coats were donated. The response was overwhelmingly suc-
cessful! The team collected 500 coats, which were cleaned by the East Brunswick Vocational School for free which Shari
setup. Then they were donated to the Lunch Break Organization, a group that freely provides food, clothing, life skills and
fellowship to those in need. Shari has been a true inspiration to our Council. The AIMS Clinic has also volunteered to pro-
vide workshops and sponsored event for our EBEA members such as the “ESP Health and Wellness Workshop”, “Teacher
Appreciation Free Massage Day” and the “ESP Appreciation Free Massage Day”. Congratulations Sheri!
Each year the association awards two scholarships to East Brunswick High School seniors. The first, The East
Brunswick Education Association Scholarship, is awarded to a senior pursuing a career in the field of education.
The EBEA would like to wish warm congratulations to Zainab Khan. Zainab will receive $600 per year for four
years to pursue a career in education. The second scholarship, The Shelli Fishman Memorial Scholarship, is
awarded to a senior showing outstanding academic and leadership skills. We proudly congratulate Varun
Boopathi for demonstrating the theme of the scholarship, “others before self.” Congratulations to both winners!
Members can make a one-time contribution in any amount. Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible
AmazonSmile purchase to the East Brunswick Education Association Philanthropic Fund whenever you shop on
AmazonSmile. Go to “Your Account” > “Your AmazonSmile” > “Change Your Charity” and search for the East
Brunswick Education Association Philanthropic, then select us as a charity of your choice. Additionally, please
check the EBEA website for future “dine to donate” events.
For onetime donations, checks can be made payable to East Brunswick Education Association Philanthropic
Fund and/or The Shelli Fishman Memorial Scholarship and sent to the EBEA office. The EBEA was proud to
celebrate our recipients at the Senior Awards on June 4, 2018.
- Cheryll Willis, Chairperson of the EBEA Scholarship Committee