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Volume 39, Issue 4                           EBEA Newsletter                                         Page 6

             TEACHER                                                Beth  Calimano  has  been  an  integral  part  of  Churchill
             Gwen  Botwinick  resumed  her  career  in  teaching  by   Junior High and the East Brunswick Public Schools for
             working  as  a  homebound  instructor  for  MCESC  and   25  years.  She  began  her  career  as  a  hall  aid  and
             then  consulted  with  student  teachers  from  Rutgers   completed  her  service  as an  administrative  secretary.
             Graduate School for Education for several years. After   Her  knowledge  and  wisdom  assisted  many  teachers,
             some coaxing from a friend on the EBHS soccer field, in   administrators  and  students.  She  was  always
             the year 2000, she applied for a job in East Brunswick.   approachable and willing to “lend a hand” in whatever
             Since then she has been a proud educator in the East   was  asked  of  her.  Her  duties  varied  throughout  the
             Brunswick School District for the past 18 years.       years,  including  assisting  students  and  parents,
                                                                    ordering supplies, working on the budget and assisting
             Gwen  has  many  favorite  memories  from  her  years
                                                                    in standardized testing. Although she was exemplary in
             working  with  the  wonderful  professionals  in  the  EB
             Public Schools. During her 15 years at Frost and several   her commitment to her responsibilities, she was known
                                                                    best for her sense of humor. Her ability to make people
             more from Bowne Munro, she provided IC support to
             classified students. She recalls fondly the countless ice   laugh  was  infectious.  Beth  and  her  husband  plan  on
             cream socials, talent shows, and class fieldtrips. Two of   spending  their  retirement  on  family  vacations  and
                                                                    caring for their beautiful grandchildren. She is missed
             her  most  touching  moments  were  in  the  form  of
             personal  notes  at  the  end  of  the  school  year:  One,   and irreplaceable.
             written  personally  by  a  fifth-grader,  who  referred  to
             her as his "support beam." A second was from a dad
             who thanked her for helping his son "turn the corner."
             Her last source of great satisfaction was serving as an
             EBEA  building  rep.  communicating  updates  to  her
             peers,  new  and  veteran.  As  a  member  of  the  EBEA,
             Gwen enjoyed the opportunity to reach out and serve
             the  community.  According  to  Gwen,  “just  seeing  the
             smiles  on  the  faces  of  kids  visiting  our  Bear  Den  or
             attending Community Day warms my heart!”
             According to Gwen’s co-workers, she is always there to
             help  and  support  every  student  equally.  She  is
             generous,  compassionate,  and  flexible  and  her
             students  appreciate  all  that  she  does.  She  comes  to
             work each day with a smile on her face and a positive
             attitude.  She  never  complains  and  truly  enjoys  the
             work of teaching. She is a pleasure to work with and
             has  supported  Frost  as  our  EBEA  representative  for
             many  years.  She  loves  visiting  family  in  New  York
             where  she  grew  up  as  well  as  spending  time  at  her
             beach house in LBI. She enjoys being around her family
             and is looking forward to travelling and babysitting her
             first grandson on the way!
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