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Volume 39, Issue 4 EBEA Newsletter Page 8
In her nearly three decades with East Brunswick Public SPECIALIST
Schools, Lolita Clyburn touched the lives of countless Norma Comerford has been teaching for 17 years, 14
students, parents, staff, and community members at Hammarskjold Middle School. She has taught Math
alike. After spending twenty-seven years with her 7, Pre-Algebra, Math Lab and Algebra 1 Honors, and is
Churchill family, we at Hammarskjold were fortunate currently retiring from the math specialist position
enough to have the opportunity to work with Lolita where she works with both sixth and seventh graders.
during the final year-and-a-half of her career. Each and But even before that she was involved in education.
every day at HMS and Churchill, her radiant presence She has been a member of the East Brunswick
illuminated the path for all whom she encountered. Education Foundation for 27 years where she served
This brief summary of her colleagues’ sentiments gives on many committees such as the grants committee and
just a glimpse of the indelible positive effect that Lolita co-chairing the annual dinner. Norma was recognized
had on EBPS: “She greets everyone with a smile and as a Partner in Excellence with the Foundation in 2013.
pleasant words. Her outlook on life is apparent with She served as the treasurer for the EBEA, on District
each and every conversation; be happy and don't Wide Council and negotiations team. Before becoming
sweat the small stuff. Her positive attitude and a teacher, Norma was an accountant in New York City
gentleness are qualities we all can learn from...” “As a and New Jersey and maintained a tax practice. That
counselor, Lolita has a magic touch; she listens, shows experience helped shape her teaching of math to her
empathy and offers compassion, while deescalating students.
overcharged emotions and changing their focus from She and husband Ken have been married for 36 years
problem to solution …” “Lolita is always upbeat and and have two beautiful daughters. Daughter Erin is a
positive ...” “We have had absolutely fantastic nurse practitioner in New York City and daughter
conversations over the years …” “Lolita is always so Colleen is a special educator teaching high school
supportive …” “Lolita is a warm, compassionate and English. Colleen and husband Terrence have provided
dedicated counselor, colleague and friend …” “Her Norma and Ken their first grandson Finn. Norma is very
positive spirit, contagious smile, friendly disposition proud that both daughters are in fields where they
along with her dependable effectiveness and support help others.
as a counselor will always be remembered and deeply Norma holds a special place in the heart of EBEA. She is
missed …” “Lolita handles life with patience, detail, and the consummate professional and always has the best
pride …” “She is truly a selfless person, and a person
interest of all our members at her core. She has been a
that you can count on. She is also a great sounding confidante and dear friend to EBEA President Dana
board to get advice when needed, truly a great friend Zimbicki. Dana stated, "Norma joined me as an EBEA
…” “Lolita is an amazing, strong, fierce, doesn't-crack- officer in 2014. I knew I could always rely on her for
under-pressure, skilled counselor ...” “She has words of advice, a shoulder to lean on, and for honest answers.
wisdom that are beyond compare. She is one of the Our organization will have a huge void and I personally
most caring, dedicated, and thoughtful people ever to will miss her each and every day as she has been a true
serve in EBPS.”
‘rock’ of this Association." The quality of a leader is
Although it has only been a few short months, Lolita’s reflected in the standards they set for themselves.
presence is already greatly missed. The EBPS Family Norma has set admirable standards we all can model:
wishes Lolita the best retirement wishes -- we know loyalty, dedication, integrity, commitment, empathy,
that she will navigate the world in her many travels, dependable, and above all a heart of pure kindness!
just as she helped so many students navigate the Norma will spend plenty of time reading, shopping and
future paths of their lives.
chasing Finn along the beach. She plans to spend time
gardening, traveling, and may even learn to play the
piano! She will be missed by colleagues as she is
always helpful to others. She has a gentleness about
her that allows her to be a teacher and mentor to her
students as well as her colleagues. Enjoy your