Page 11 - Summer 2018_Final 3
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Volume 39, Issue 4 EBEA Newsletter Page 11
PATRICIA DONAHUE (CONTINUED) Pat, congratulations on a fantastic career at Churchill
to be the guest speaker for the Science Honor Society Junior High School and a very well-deserved
Induction Ceremony. Countless kids have returned to retirement! You will be so incredibly missed!
seek her advice on or share their successes with
science careers and college.
In the past three years, the 8 grade science CATHY EASLEY: HAMMARSKJOLD MATH TEACHER
department has seen many changes in staff. When the Cathy Easley was born in Huntington, West Virginia.
sequencing of high school science courses changed, She married her husband of 35 years, Jim, and together
four teachers were transferred to the North building to they raised two beautiful daughters, Cortney and
8 grade at the same time. Pat willingly handed over all Brittany. While Jim served in the military, Cathy
of her materials that she had and mentored everyone accompanied him to many US states, teaching in all of
through what was a very hectic and stressful year of them – Ohio, W. Virginia, Colorado, New York, and
change. Pat gives 100% of herself to improving the Massachusetts. Cathy spent nine years teaching before
scientific literacy, curiosity, and critical thinking skills of coming to NJ (and Hammarskjold), and teaching for 20
the students not only in her classroom but throughout more! She has taught Math 6, Math 7, Pre-Algebra,
the district. Pat initiated outings to the Rutgers Algebra 1 Honors, grades 4 & 5 , and grade 9 Consumer
Geology Museum, the science convention, Neil Math. An active EBEA member, Cathy has served in a
DeGrasse Tyson shows and even got the entire team to variety of positions, including Membership Chair,
take courses together. She has dressed as a graduated Building Rep, Faculty Council, and MCEA Rep. Many
cylinder, participated in sit up contests, mentored EBEA members are personally grateful for the
students during her lunches, discovered asteroids and representation Cathy provided over the years. In
saved the precious killdeer birds in the courtyard each addition, Cathy and Jim served as Youth Group advisors
year by alerting the maintenance workers to the for their church, and remain involved in church
presence of their nests. She is constantly revising her activities.
instruction and views the world as a science supply Daughter Cortney works for Tiffany’s as an archivist,
store. She has been known to pull over into IKEA and daughter Brittany works as a nanny. Cathy’s talents
parking lots with her rock hammer to chisel out a are much in demand now that Cortney and husband,
specimen for class which is basically a museum at this
Christopher, have blessed the family with grandson #1
point. She still continues to be the backbone of the – Caden!!! Playing with Caden is Cathy’s favorite
department academically and socially, keeping pastime. She also enjoys reading, bike riding, and
everyone on time in the curriculum and organizing cooking. She and Jim have traveled to many places
department outings and celebrations.
around the world, but the Caribbean is Cathy’s favorite
As for the next chapter of her journey, Pat is unsure of vacation spot – especially St. Thomas. In her
what exactly she will do, but she knows a few things retirement, Cathy plans to work on her house, play
for sure: she will be celebrating her 30th wedding even more with Caden, and rock babies!
anniversary on a Viking River Cruise and spend a lot of Cathy will be greatly missed in East Brunswick, and at
time encouraging her husband Kevin to join her in Hammarskjold in particular. She has been a stand-up
retirement! She knows she wants to work part time, member of the math team. A forthright woman, her
potentially something that keeps her outdoors, but is opinions are valued and her southern charm lends an
unsure if she wants to do something as mentally taxing outrageous spark to all fortunate enough to cross her
as teaching again. She looks forward to continuing to path. Congratulations, Cathy!
update her social media account with photos of
barometers, lounging by the pool, teaching her
grandson Kevin all about the wonders of the world
around him, and hopefully continuing to come to the
science breakfasts. We do not know what we will do
without her and the department plans to invade her
house each summer to revise curriculum and plan for
the upcoming school year.