Page 16 - Summer 2018_Final 3
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Volume 39, Issue 4 EBEA Newsletter Page 16
DENISE KATZEN (CONTINUED) quoted saying, “Mrs. Kiernan is the best teacher I’ve
Students and colleagues knew Denise as a person they ever known. She’s really funny too!“ Students of Mrs.
could trust. Kiernan are quick to share how much they enjoy their
morning study groups where juice and bagels are
Denise is also known for cultivating collegial work
always a staple. Mrs. Kiernan will be missed at Frost.
relationships and lasting friendships. Denise gave of
her time freely for the school mentor program, and she We hope that in her retirement she will be able to
has held positions of leadership unofficially for her enjoy time with family, reading, knitting, relaxing on
special education and social studies colleagues, as well
as her critical position as Faculty Council Chair-Person. PRIVA LERMAN: CHITTICK SECRETARY
For the many teachers that Denise has worked side-by- Priva Lerman is known as someone who you could
side with, partnering with her in our classrooms has always go to for help. The children always knew that
been one of the most beautiful teaching experiences, they could ask Mrs. Lerman for a helping hand at any
and a gift to us as educators. It has been both an honor time. Each morning you could find Mrs. Lerman with
and a privilege, and the friendships made will remain her nice, strong cup of coffee to start her day, which
could consist of organizing the supply closet to
Denise is looking forward to enjoying retirement with translating phone calls. No matter the need, Priva was
her husband Richie and her children Corey, Michael, always available to help. Priva is also the kind of person
and his wife, Laura. Denise is blessed to have her you’d like to spend time with, both in and out of
parents living close by in East Brunswick and looks school. You will probably find Priva enjoying her
forward to spending more time with them. The Katzens retirement in North Carolina with her daughter or
love to travel and will be embarking on many having a relaxing lunch with old and new friends!
adventures together. We wish them Bonne Chance!
EDUCATION TEACHER Harriet Lutsky is one of the most easy-going, loving,
Is it Soup Yet?...That was the famous question heard nurturing ladies that we’ve ever worked with. It
throughout the halls of Frost Elementary in the early doesn’t matter which grade level, child’s needs, or
2000’s. Ro Kiernan sat at the helm of the Soup and which classroom placement; she excelled and was able
Salad Club where the best soups overflowed in crock to accept any challenge. She even took the time to
pots from the Frost faculty room. It was not personally get to know the children and their families,
uncommon to see a line of teachers out the door and which helped children succeed in school. Harriet has
snaking down the hallway all clamoring for a cup of been a great friend to many staff members; she would
one of Ro’s famous soups. It goes without saying; she even help teachers when she was not assigned to their
even put Seinfeld’s “Soup Nazi” to shame. rooms. She is a giving individual whose smile could
In 1985 Ro began the first six years of her career in EB light up a room! Harriet now enjoys spending time with
as a special education teacher at Churchill Jr. High. She her children, grandchildren and husband, Bob. You may
spent a combined six years teaching at Frost. even find her on a beach in Florida eating a nice piece
Additionally, she taught at Lawrence Brook and of cheesecake!
Memorial schools as well. Ro’s cheerful and outgoing
nature will be missed. She had a gift for making staff
and students smile, and her thoughtfulness and Lourdes worked her last four years in the district in the
kindness were ever-present in all that she did.
high school cafeteria. She was always pleasant to work
Ro is a caring teacher who will go to any length to with and had a positive outlook on life. In retirement,
motivate her students. She has been known to break Lourdes is looking forward to spending time with her
into song and dance during class - guaranteed to put a grandkids. Best wishes in your retirement Lourdes!
smile on every kid’s face! This year’s students can be