Page 18 - Summer 2018_Final 3
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Volume 39, Issue 4 EBEA Newsletter Page 18
Gloria Pachos is loyal, dedicated, and has longevity! Lynne Small has been an integral member of the EBPS
She has worked in the East Brunswick Public School for Special Education Department for the past 20 plus
31 years as a secretary and has been married for 45 years. She has served as an instructional aide and a job
years! Gloria is a kind, friendly and joyful person who is coach making a difference in the lives of students with
dedicated to building long lasting relationships with the the most significant learning challenges. In the
people she cares about. She is incredibly kind and classroom, Lynne was always known for jumping in and
modest. She is gifted at making connections with all making sure the students stayed focused and got the
who cross her path. She has been said to possess most out of instruction. She was a versatile classroom
superpowers in the office. We are certain that these assistant, easily moving between classrooms, levels,
powers will serve her well in retirement. In retirement and working with several different teachers. And she
she looks forward to spending time with her daughter, did it all with a smile! As a job coach, Lynne easily
her two sons, and babysitting her adorable developed a strong working relationship with the
granddaughter. We wish you all the best in retirement management at her site and worked hard to develop
Gloria! meaningful job experiences for her students. She
looked at the strengths of each student and the needs
of the site and was able to carve out and expand the
GAIL SEMENIAK: LAWRENCE BROOK TEACHER experiences for each individual. Because of her hard
Gail Semeniak has made an impact on East Brunswick work and tireless efforts, students developed skills that
students for the last 21 years. She started her career at they could use as they transitioned to the adult world.
Lawrence Brook as a special education aide. She Lynne will truly be missed!
touched the lives of students by giving them the
confidence and security they needed to be successful.
As a classroom teacher, Gail made each second grader CAROL SORKIN: FROST INSTRUCTIONAL
feel special. Her calm demeanor and soft spoken tone, ASSISTANT
made children feel safe and nurtured each day they Carol Sorkin has worked in the East Brunswick schools
entered her classroom. Her devotion to each subject for 20 years. She worked at Memorial, Central, and
and knowledge of the second grade curriculum gave Frost as an instructional assistant and has worked in all
her students an excellent foundation for their future grade levels. Most recently, Carol has worked in the full
academic career. Her former students, now on their day preschool program, a challenge that she met head
way to high school or college, always stop by to say hi on when she was assigned there four years ago. No
to their favorite teacher. matter what capacity she was working in, Carol’s
Her partners miss not working with her each day, but foremost attention has always been on the students
are so happy that she now has time to enjoy her within her care. She worked to do what was best for
beautiful family (especially her adorable them and was always willing to learn new methods.
grandchildren). Her Lawrence Brook Family wishes her She welcomed every new student and staff member
much happiness on her retirement. with a smile.
Carol is not the only Sorkin that will be leaving our
Frost Family. Her Golden Retriever, Goldilox, has
become an integral part of the Frost School
community! Carol brings Goldi, a trained therapy dog,
to school most Friday mornings to greet the students
and visit classrooms. Everyone is going to miss BOTH
smiling faces greeting the cars at drop-off!
Carol is looking forward to her retirement: she is
moving to Texas so that she can spend lots of time with
her first grandchild, James! We will miss her (and
Goldilox) tremendously, but wish her nothing but the
best in her new role as full-time grandma!