Page 21 - Summer 2018_Final 3
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Volume 39, Issue 4                           EBEA Newsletter                                       Page 21

             LORI WALLIS: CHURCHILL INSTRUCTIONAL                   you and work with you. We wish you a long life, filled
             ASSISTANT                                              with great health, family and happiness always! We will
             Lori was a dedicated member of the EBPS community      miss you dearly, but we know that you will be enjoying
             for  almost  fourteen  years.  She  spent  the  majority  of   your  time  as  a  mother,  grandmother,  spending  time
             her  career  at  Churchill  Junior  High  School  and  East   outdoors and reading.
             Brunswick  High  School.  She  was  always  professional,
             hardworking,  conscientious,  and  a  great  support  for
             the staff and students that she worked with in her role
             as  an  instructional  assistant.  Lori  was  an  amazing
             advocate and a tremendous help for the special needs
             students she had the pleasure of working with while at
             EBPS. She had the gift to understand their needs, and
             blended  their  strengths  and  weaknesses  in  order  to
             make  them  successful  in  life.  Lori  did  not  shy  away
             from any of the challenges that were given to her. She
             worked with diligence and grit. She was a tremendous
             co-worker  and  always  open  to  suggestions,  because
             she cared for her students and wanted the very best
             for  them.  Lori  always  wanted  a  full  plate,  and,
             therefore did not hesitate to request for more student   THOMAS WATTS: CHURCHILL SCHOOL AIDE
             responsibilities.  Lori  was  always  our  “go-to”  person   Tom  Watts  is  a  true  gentleman  and  was  loved  by
             when  a  situation  arose  where  we  needed  her  at  the   students  and  staff  alike.  His  corner  of  the  hall  was  a
             last  minute  or  after  hours.  Lori  would  go  above  and   favorite  place  to  stop  and  get  sage  wisdom  and
             beyond to help our students and it was clear how much   encouragement  from  “ẗhe  coach.”  Ever  since  Tom
             she  cared  about  their  success.  She  did  not  want  to   snuck  away  under  the  cover  of  darkness  his  warm
             disrupt her students’ schedules because a few school   presence  has  been  missed  in  the  halls  of  CJHS.  Tom
             hours without her presence in the classroom would be   was always willing to TRULY listen and genuinely care
             simply chaotic! Taking time off was not her style: she   about  whomever  he  was  speaking  to.  He  makes
             placed a priority on her school schedule over her own   everyone  feel  important  and  cared  for.  He  is  modest
             personal  needs.  Lori  has  always  put  her  students   and doesn't like to have a fuss made over him, but the
             before herself. This is the kind of dedication she upheld   adoration  of  the  Churchill  community  for  this
             for  herself  and  raised the  bar  for  her  fellow-workers.   gentleman cannot be overstated. He is missed and we
             We have missed her kind and patient disposition this   hope he is enjoying his time in the sun.
             school year.

             Besides her dedication to the teaching community, Lori   KENNETH WNOROWSKI: SUPPORT OPERATIONS
             loves  to  read  fiction  and  non-fiction.  She  loves  to
                                                                    GROUNDSMAN MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN
             research,  analyze  and  apply  information  that  was
             pertinent  to  her  life.  She  enjoyed  having  healthy   Ken was an amazing person to work with. He made the
                                                                    impossible, possible. Ken was a forward thinker to the
             discussions  with  her  teammates.  There  was  never  a
             dull moment in her school life.                        point that he would make his own contraptions (tools
                                                                    and  equipment)  to  make  a  job  easier.  He  was  the
             Lori not only adored the students she worked with, but   senior  member  of  a  well-put-together  team  and  was
             also  her  family.  She  enjoys  spending  time  with  her   often  looked  to  for  guidance  and  instruction.  His
             family  and  grandchildren.  She  was  particularly    knowledge of lawn care and landscaping was vast and
             enthusiastic to share in her grandchildren’s milestones.   he  taught  the  members  of  the  Grounds  Department
             Talking about them always brought a smile to her face.   well.
             Congratulations Lori on your wonderful career with the   Ken will be missed as a co-worker and we hope that he
             East Brunswick Public Schools! Best wishes for the next   enjoys his retirement to the fullest.
             phase  of  your  life!  It  has  been  our  pleasure  to  know
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