Page 17 - Summer 2018_Final 3
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Volume 39, Issue 4 EBEA Newsletter Page 17
Betty began her Churchill career 25 years ago as a hall AIDE
aide with Beth Calimano patrolling the halls like the Marie McCarthy has already been missed in the East
dynamic duo. This was back in the day when students Brunswick School District. First her colleagues, as well
walked outside from building to building aka “the as students at Frost Elementary lamented her leaving
path.” Shortly thereafter, she took up a position as due to the personal bonds she forms with everyone
secretary in the Churchill counseling office. This was a she meets. Now her colleagues at Hammarskjold
place she could use her natural skills with helping remember her dedication and devotion with a great
students and staff in a variety of ways. Her compassion deal of affection.
and generosity went above and beyond her normal Marie is the epitome of class and style. Her wardrobe
duties of what was expected. Betty always had a kind and accessories were always chosen with care, with
word that lifted your spirits and fed you at the same almost as much care as she showed to her family.
Marie’s dedication ranged from her dedicated care of
Betty will be very busy helping with her beautiful her bed-bound mother, to her fierce devotion to both
grandchildren, enjoying time with Jimmy, and of course of her sons and their respective football teams, and her
going to Disney whenever she chooses. Betty loves wonderfully creative and caring daughter, right down
Disney so much that she could get a job as Disney to her grandson, the light of her life.
Marie shines light and happiness wherever she goes.
We wish her all the best in her retirement. She will be Her sweetness was often “tasted” in the form of the
missed by so many!! confections she shared so generously with her
DONNA MORELLI: HAMMARSKJOLD SOCIAL It is hard to describe how caring and thoughtful Marie
STUDIES TEACHER actually is. Maybe this poem characterizes Marie in a
Donna has been a well-respected teacher in the East way that is most accurate.
Brunswick Public School District for the past 25 years. AN ADMIRABLE WOMAN BY CHRISTINA FOY
Throughout her years of teaching in our district, Donna
has proven herself to be a dedicated professional and a There is a woman who always keeps her head up high.
loyal friend. Her eyes sparkle like a bright star in the sky.
She has the stamina, beauty, and courage that
She began her EB career in 1993 as a kindergarten one would admire,
teacher at Chittick Elementary School. In April 1994, Even the love and happiness one inspires.
she moved up to Irwin where she taught ILA for six
She is a woman that one can always count on,
years. She finishes her distinguished career as a 6th And a woman that sees no wrong.
grade social studies teacher at Hammarskjold for the
Her beauty shines from the inside out,
past 17 years.
It flows like a journey down a long route.
Donna has worn many hats at Hammarskjold. She has Her smile shines beautifully like the sun rising
been a co-coordinator for the Fairview Outdoor over the horizon,
Education Trip since 2001, a leader in the Social Studies And her intelligence, wisdom, and hard work
Department embracing the continuous evolution of are not surprising.
technology, a member of many diverse committees, She is a genuinely caring woman
and co-chair of the HMS Faculty Council. Donna will be Who goes the extra mile to help one in need
greatly missed by her colleagues at HMS and or broken hearted,
throughout the district. We have been lucky to be a And throughout all of her hard work,
part of her journey in East Brunswick. No one ever sees her fall apart.
Donna looks forward to her retirement where she will It was an honor and privilege to work with Marie and
be relaxing at the beach and spending time with her our world is missing an amazing spirit because of her
family. She will begin celebrating her retirement retirement. Marie, know that you are loved, admired
with her family as they cruise the Greek Isles this and respected here. Enjoy your hard earned
coming September. Cheers to your retirement! retirement. You deserve it.