Page 22 - Summer 2018_Final 3
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Volume 39, Issue 4                           EBEA Newsletter                                       Page 22

             PSYCHOLOGIST                                           EDUCATION TEACHER
             How  did  this  day  arrive  so  quickly?  How  will  we  all   Although  Melissa  Zrinski  has  only  been  a  member  of
             carry  on  without  our  wonderful,  esteemed  colleague   the  East  Brunswick  High  School  special  education
             and friend? How would you spend your days after life   department for the past two years, her impact on her
             as a school psychologist on our elementary Child Study   students  will  last  for  years  to  come.  In  her  role  as  a
             Team?  Barbara  K.  Ziegler  graduated  from  California   special  educator,  Melissa  wore  many  hats,  teaching
             University  of  Pennsylvania  with  a  Masters  in  School   Corrective Reading within the self-contained program,
             Psychology.  She  then  earned  a  School  Psychologist   English 10, and Study Skills.
             certificate from Georgian Court University. Barbara was   Melissa’s  students and  colleagues  have  described  her
             hired  by  East  Brunswick  Public  Schools  as  a  School   as kind, generous, compassionate, and above all else,
             Psychologist in September 2001. She sprang into action   professional.  Over  the  past  two  years  Melissa  has
             immediately  to  assist  those  emotionally  impacted  by   become  known  in  the  EB  community  for  working
             the  events  that  took  place  on  September  11,  2001.   tirelessly to meet the needs of her students. She can
             Since that time, Barbara has devoted herself to helping
                                                                    often be seen working with students before school or
             children and families on the elementary level at Bowne  during  lunch,  consulting  with  her  peers  about
             -Munro,  Frost,  Central  and  Irwin  Elementary  Schools.
                                                                    instructional  strategies,  or  collaborating  with  her  co-
             When called upon to assist her colleagues at the high   teachers.  Melissa  is  always  willing  to  try  a  new
             school, Barbara came through like a shining star. She is   approach  to  working  with  her  students  to  help  them
             the  epitome  of  a  team  player!    Barbara  has  worked   reach  their  academic  potential,  she  also  cares  deeply
             under  six  directors  of  Special  Education,  countless   about the social-emotional functioning of her students,
             supervisors,  as  well  as  numerous  principals.  She  has
                                                                    as  she  advocates  for  their  needs  outside  of  the
             weathered many challenging cases as well as changes    classroom as well.
             in  the  department  and  in  the  district  at  large.  As  a
             teammate,  there  is  none  finer!  Those  who  have  had   Good luck to Melissa as she enters the next chapter of
             the  pleasure  of  working  with  Barbara  can  certainly   her  life  in  Florida  with  her  husband  and  extended
             attest to this!                                        family…she will truly be missed in East Brunswick!

             We  will  miss  Barbara’s  warm  smile,  good  humor,
             soothing psychologist voice, and open door policy. On
             any given day, there have always been teachers in her
             office,  prior  to  the  start  of  the  school  day,  seeking
             advice on how to work most effectively with a student
             or family, or just to spend a few moments with Barbara
             to get the day off to a positive start. Well, now Barbara
             is off to start a new chapter in her life! Her husband Joe
             is  a  few  paces  ahead  of  her,  but  rest  assured,  she  is
             ready to join him. In her retirement, Barbara is looking
             forward  to  spending  time  with  her  husband  in  their
             new home in Belmar, New Jersey, as well as spending              to the 2017-2018
             more  time  with  her  children,  Jennifer (and  John)  and   Administrative Staff
             Timothy (and Jenna), and grandchildren, Benjamin and
             Brianna. Rumor also has it that Barbara and Joe plan to   Della Green, Hammarskjold Asst. Principal
             travel  to  parts  unknown.  Those  of  us  that  you  are
             leaving  behind  wish  you  great  health  and  every        Patricia LaDuca, Supervisor of ILA
             happiness! You will still be invited to attend the Central   Evelyn Ogden, Director of Special Projects
             Book  Club,  so  don’t  be  a  stranger!  Barbara,  you
             deserve all the best! Please keep in touch and send us
             pictures of your travels!
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