Page 19 - Summer 2018_Final 3
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Volume 39, Issue 4                           EBEA Newsletter                                       Page 19

             MAUREEN STAIB: CHURCHILL COUNSELOR                     Raymond  and  her  family  on  Staten  Island.  We  are
             Maureen  Staib  has  been  a  school  counselor  in  the   confident that Donna will find new interests to occupy
             district  for  over  ten  years.  She  started  her  East   her time during her retirement. From the entire staff,
             Brunswick  career  at  East  Brunswick  High  School  and   Donna will be truly missed as she was a leader in our
             concluded  her  career  at  Churchill  Junior  High  School.   school.
             Not  only  did  Maureen  have  a  special  bond  with  her
             colleagues,  but  had  a  wonderful  connection  to  her
             students. We always knew that students were in good    JOHANNA TROSHANE: FROST INSTRUCTIONAL
             hands  when  they were  working  with  her,  as  she was   ASSISTANT
             patient  and  sensitive  to  their  needs.  Maureen  cared
             deeply for the well-being of her students as well as her   Joanie is completing her 20th year as support staff in
                                                                    East  Brunswick.  The  first  three  years  were  spent  at
             colleagues.  She  was  always  available  to  listen  and
             provide support.                                       Central School, then the remainder at Frost. Joanie has
                                                                    worked with many grades. Many years were spent in
             Retirement will be an adjustment for Maureen as she    preschool  and  kindergarten.  According  to  her  peers,
             was such an integral part of the school community. She   Joanie  is  incredibly  sweet,  caring,  genuine  and
             plans on spending more time with her loved ones and    empathetic  towards  every  student  and  staff  member
             hopefully winning big in Atlantic City! Maureen was an   she  meets.  She  always  goes  above  and  beyond
             asset  to  the  counseling  department  and  will  truly  be   expectations,  doing  a  thorough  job.  Her  third  grade
             missed.                                                students  remark  that  she  is  “the  nicest  teacher”  at
                                                                    Frost  School.  You  would  never  know  which  classified
                                                                    students she was assigned to, as she treats all students
             DONNA TAYLOR: WARNSDORFER TEACHER                      equally and respectfully. Joanie always has a smile on
             Donna  Taylor  started  working  in  the  East  Brunswick
                                                                    her face, is caring and loving. Her flexibility allows her
             Public Schools in 1985. She taught grades three, four,   to  adjust  to  all  subjects  as  she  breaks  down  the
             and five and is retiring from teaching this school year   material  in  many  different  ways.  Her  calm,  nurturing
             2018. Donna has been the faculty liaison to the PTA as   personality is a good match for all types of behaviors
             well  as  the  Student  Council  advisor.  Throughout  her   and learners.
             career she has been fortunate to be able to pursue her
             lifelong  dream  of  educating  young  children  and  the   At home, Joanie enjoys her family- her husband, three
             East  Brunswick  Public  Schools  have  given  her  this   grown  children,  her  granddaughter  and  her  cats!
                                                                    According to Joanie, no matter what worries are on her
             fabulous opportunity. Donna was the recipient of the
             1994  Golden  Apple  Teacher  Award  by  the  Cable    mind during the day, as soon as she steps through the
             Television  Network,  the  1996  Governor’s  Award     doors of Frost School and sees the sea of little faces,
             recipient for Outstanding Teaching, and the 2015 East   her worries are put aside. Some of her best memories
             Brunswick Education Foundation Partner in Excellence   of  Frost  school  are  the  amazing  changes  in
             Award. She has worked throughout her career to help    kindergarten children, academically and socially.
             children  develop  problem solving skills, set  their own   In her retirement, Joanie looks forward to seeing her
             goals  and  manage  their  time  successfully.  Donna  not   granddaughter more often, as well as her 91 and 92-
             only touched the lives of children but also the lives of   year-old  parents.  She  is  eager  to  do  some  traveling,
             all the staff in the school. She felt a responsibility to be   especially  to  Europe,  Aruba  and  Florida.  Additionally,
             there for all staff members. One could always count on   Joanie would like to learn yoga, spend more time with
             Donna as a role model. Staff members sought her out    her cats, reading and cooking, all at a relaxed pace. And
             for advice, both professional and personal.
                                                                    …  a  bonus  would  be  not  having  to  get  up  at  6  A.M.
             Travel seems to be on the top of Donna’s list of things   every morning!!
             to  do  during  retirement.  Donna  can  now  join  her
             husband  Ray  on  his  business  trips.  They  plan  to
             vacation  abroad  in  the  fall,  and  she  will  be  able  to
             spend  more  time  with  her  children,  Stephanie  and
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