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Volume 39, Issue 4 EBEA Newsletter Page 15
NANCY HUBER: CHURCHILL SCHOOL AIDE with students of a wide range of abilities. She is a vocal
Nancy Huber spent the majority of her career with East advocate for all students and works to ensure that
Brunswick Board of Education at Churchill Junior High every student is learning.
School, with a stint at Lawrence Brook Elementary We are sad to see Miss J. retire, but we know that she
School. Nancy manned the post at the top of the stairs. will enjoy her extra time with her daughter, Elena, and
She made sure our students and staff safely navigated cute little dog, Daisy. She is looking forward to her new
this perilous area! It was always a pleasure to see her career as a band mom! She has plans to catch up on
smiling face and be greeted by her warm “hello.” some projects around the house and do some traveling.
Nancy helped out when and where needed - the main We know we will see her again soon!
office, counseling office, nurses office and the media
center. She helped decorate our showcases outside the DENISE KATZEN: HAMMARSKJOLD SPECIAL
media center for special holidays and events. And
when the “tree” was there, she even added lights! Now EDUCATION TEACHER
Denise Katzen has been engaging young learners for
that her children, Danny and Kelsey, have graduated
college and are well on their way starting their own over 25 years. Denise began her career in East
careers, Nancy can enjoy some more time with her Brunswick as an Instructional Assistant in the district’s
husband, Fred, who has also recently retired. She will Autism Program at Memorial Elementary School.
have more time to travel (which she started with a trip Denise was a part of the program at the ground level.
During this time, Denise’s gifted ability to work with
to New Orleans) and enticing Fred to join her to sit and
relax at the Jersey shores! children with autism was enhanced by her expertise
with creating individualized student programs and her
Congratulations Nancy on your wonderful career with adeptness in delivering direct instruction. Denise’s
the East Brunswick Board of Education! Best wishes for innate talent for shaping behaviors led to her first
the next phase of your life! It has been our pleasure to district teaching position in the Autism Program. To
know you and work with you. We wish you a long life, this day, students and parents have stayed connected
filled with great health, family and happiness always! with Denise, still thankful for her approach to learning,
(And you still have to make time for “outings” with her skill in preparing them for everyday life, and for the
your friends from CJHS!!) overall difference she has made.
In 2008 when the brand new Hammarskjold debuted,
SUSAN JASTRZEBSKI: LAWRENCE BROOK SPECIAL Denise changed gears and began her work as both a
EDUCATION TEACHER resource center teacher, and an in-class resource co-
In 1985, Susan Jastrzebski began her teaching career in teacher, in the areas of math, science, and for the past
East Brunswick at Smith School. Over the next 32 years, ten years Social Studies for grades six and seven. Her
Miss J. would work as a special education teacher at successful transition can be attributed to Denise’s
unique teaching style, her ability to adapt to any
Chittick, Bowne-Munro and Warnsdorfer before finally
settling at Lawrence Brook School. She has served the classroom situation with ease and grace, and her vast
varied needs of hundreds of special needs students repertoire of learning strategies.
throughout her illustrious career. As a teacher of Denise Katzen embodies every wonderful quality as an
primary self-contained classes, she has had a educator, colleague and friend. Denise is dedicated to
tremendous impact on her students and coworkers. her students, and is best known for putting the needs
She loves to laugh and have fun with her students of her students first. Denise set high expectations for
while instilling the importance of learning. She has a her students, both academically and behaviorally, and
gift for modifying any lesson in a way that enables her she worked tirelessly before, during, and after school
students to be successful. For the past five years Sue to help them reach their highest potential. Denise
has worked as an in class support teacher in a joined the Fairview experience for many years as a
kindergarten class. She went above and beyond to teacher chaperone, and she provided invaluable
work with all of the students in the classroom, while support for our special needs students who were
teaching her co-teacher valuable lessons in working having a challenging time during the trip activities.