Page 13 - Summer 2018_Final 3
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Volume 39, Issue 4                           EBEA Newsletter                                       Page 13

             JULIE GINSBERG: HAMMARSKJOLD SPECIAL                   thanked  me  for  “believing  in  him”.  He  was  in  college
             EDUCATION TEACHER                                      now  and  said  I  had  taught  him  that  HE  could  do
             As  a  college  graduate  with  a  secondary  English   ANYTHING he put his mind to.”
             Teaching  Certificate  in  one  hand  and  a  Special
                                                                    Thank  you  Julie,  for  serving  your  life’s  purpose  of
             Education  Teaching  Certificate  in  the  other,  Julie   empowering others  in  your  role  not only  as  a  special
             always knew she wanted to be a powerful force in the   education  teacher,  but  as  a  mother,  wife,  sister,
             lives  of  children.  Within  one  year  of  graduating  from   colleague and confidant. You will surely be missed.
             college,  Julie  married  her  college  sweetheart,  Mark
             Ginsberg. As she embarked on her new and excitement    Over the course of her career, Julie’s encouragement,
             -filled journey, she fell into an opportunity to work for   empathy  and  support  has  positively  impacted
             corporate America for a few years before giving birth   countless lives. We are grateful for Julie’s commitment
                                                                    to  students  with  special  needs  and  for  her  kindness
             to her two beautiful children, Stephanie and Craig.
                                                                    and  compassion.  Best  of  luck  in  your  endeavors.  We
             It was during her tenure as a mother, that she began   will miss you!
             her teaching career. First as a substitute teacher for ten
             years  when  her  children  were  young,  then  as  a
             teacher’s  assistant  at  HMS  back  in  1999.  Within  only   LORRI GOLDBERG: IRWIN STUDENT ASSISTANCE
             three  short  months  working  as  an  instructional   SPECIALIST
             assistant here in EB, Julie excelled to the point where
                                                                    For over 30 years in East Brunswick, Lorri Goldberg has
             she was hired to become a full-time special education   dedicated herself to making a difference in the lives of
             teacher at Churchill Jr. High School.
                                                                    children.  Before  her  29  years  at  Irwin  Elementary
             In  her  own  words,  Julie,  “enjoys  the  small  group   School,  Lorri’s  compassionate,  understanding  work
             instruction of the special education classroom”-  where   with  children  was  seen  at  Bowne  Munro  Elementary
             she  can  “establish  a  strong  rapport  with  kids  by   School.
             working 1:1 to meet their diverse needs.” This is one of   Lorri’s  greatest  gift  can  be  observed  in  a  room  filled
             the  many  reasons  Julie  is  so  beloved  among  her
                                                                    with  children.  She  has  a  way  of  connecting  with
             students and colleagues.
                                                                    children  and  establishing  trusting  relationships.  Lorri
             Julie’s unwavering compassion, empathy and ability to   reaches  this  level  of  relationship,  not  only  with  her
             empower ALL who know her, is evident in the way she    genuine  care  and  concern,  and  her  sensitivity  and
             has always established a strong rapport with students   empathy, but also her passion for equality, respect and
             and colleagues.                                        kindness.  Lorri  is  all  about  getting  down  on  the  floor
                                                                    and sharing stories, sitting around a table and playing
             Ms. Ginsberg continually strives to figure out new and
             exciting  ways  to  help  kids  achieve  their  maximum   games,  or  just  engaging  children  in  meaningful,
             potential.   She   is   well-versed   at   providing   reflective  conversations.  Lorri  has  been  a  great
             encouragement and support even in the most difficult   resource  for  families  and staff.  It  starts  with  her vast
                                                                    knowledge,  but  it  is  her  delivery,  of  that  knowledge
             of situations.
                                                                    that  makes  those  she  speaks  with  open  to  what  she
             While  Julie  has  shared  a  myriad  of  life’s  milestones   has to offer. Lorri’s core belief of, “understanding and
             with her EB family, the best is yet to be as she will now   valuing  the  whole  child,  the  whole  person”,  will
             have the time to spend in her favorite city, New York   continue to inspire those she worked with.
             visiting  her  children  and  their  families  as  BOTH  her
             daughter and daughter-in-law who are expecting later   Lorri  starts  the  next  phase  of  her  journey  with  the
             this year!                                             wedding of her talented and inspiring daughter, Randi.
                                                                    From there, the sky’s the limit. Lorri looks forward to
             When  Julie  was  asked,  “what  is  one  of  the  most   time with family and friends, and there could never be
             memorable  moments  of  your  teaching  career?”  She   enough time for travel, books, lectures, and the many
             replied,  “Running  into  one  of  my  former  students  at   creative hobbies which Lorri loves. Of course, working
             Wawa on the way home from school. He recognized me     with children will always be a part of her plans.
             but I didn’t know who he was, as he was all grown up.
             He  apologized  for  the  way  he  acted  in  class  and
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