Page 12 - Summer 2018_Final 3
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Volume 39, Issue 4                           EBEA Newsletter                                       Page 12

             Joanne  Ficke  was  an  exceptional  school  nurse  and   UCATION TEACHER
             Bowne-Munro was lucky to have ten years with her in   Leslie was raised in East Brunswick and graduated from
             that  position.  Joanne  came  to  Bowne-Munro  from   East Brunswick High School and Ball State University. She
             Piscataway where she worked as a school nurse in an   began her teaching career as a physical educator at Ham-
             elementary  school  for  many  years.  She  quickly   marskjold Junior High School in 1979. During the past 38
             established  herself  as  a  key  member  of  the  Bowne-  years,  Leslie  has  dedicated  herself  to  her  students  and
             Munro family. In addition to taking care of the needs of   profession  on  many  levels,  instilling  the  importance  of
             the  students  and  staff  in  the  building  in  an  ever-  physical fitness as a life skill, respect for all and responsi-
             assuring,  calm  manner,  Joanne  introduced  many    bility  for  one’s  self.  From  1989  through  1996,  Leslie
             wonderful  activities  and  events  to  the  school   taught  at  Bowne-Munro  elementary  school,  then  re-
             community. Since her very first year at Bowne-Munro,   turned to complete a successful and memorable career
             she has established the Bowne-Munro Fit Girls, a spring   at Hammarskjold Middle School.
             running club in which fourth and fifth grade girls train   Leslie coached the EBHS girls gymnastics team for many
             to  build  endurance  and  confidence  through  running.   years and judged gymnastics competitions as an NJSIAA
             This  club’s  culminating  activity  is  a  2  mile  run  at  the   gymnastics  official.  She  contributed  her  time  to  school
             high school track. Another event that Joanne brought
                                                                   and  community  serving  as  a  valuable  PTA  liaison,  an
             to  the  Bowne  community  is  the  Health  Fair.  Joanne   EBEA building representative, as the coordinator of the
             organized guest speakers from various health fields to   “Volleys for Cancer” fundraiser at Hammarskjold Middle
             come  to  the  school  to  present  information  to  the   School and is a member of Alpha Delta Kappa, an honor-
             students.  This  well-run  event  included  rotations   ary organization of women educators.
             through  five  different  age-appropriate  topic  stations
             for  students  from  kindergarten  through  fifth  grade.   Leslie’s plans for retirement are to travel, relax and enjoy
             There are so many events that Joanne has been a part   her  time  with  friends  and  family.  She  will  be  greatly
             of or initiated. If one had to pick a singular event that   missed by her students, staff and colleagues. Wishing her
             demands  notice,  it  would  have  to  be  this  year’s   the very best in her years of retirement.
             Memorial  Day  celebration.  Joanne  spearheaded  a
             committee  to  bring  much  needed  attention  to  this
             important day. She arranged for veterans, those who
             were  relatives  of  students  and  staff,  to  be  honored.
             Students proudly walked their family members down a
             red  carpet  to  the  applause  of  the  entire  community.
             The patriotic songs of the day and the waving of flags
             created  an  overall  feeling  of  respect  and  pride  for
             these honored guests. Joanne’s goal was to honor the
             service of these important men and women, to ensure
             that  their  heroism  would  not  be  forgotten.  She  not
             only achieved this goal but brought a sense of pride in
             our country to everyone in the room.
             Though  Joanne  has  big  plans  for  her  retirement  –
             traveling,  spending  as  much  time  with  her
             grandchildren as possible, and enjoying living along the
             Jersey shore with her husband, Marty – Bowne is not
             quite  ready to  let  her  go.  We  certainly  expect  her to
             visit often, especially when we do our best to continue
             the events that have become her legacy.
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