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Volume 39, Issue 4                           EBEA Newsletter                                         Page 9

             NUTRITION DRIVER                                      BOOKKEEPER
             When  people  discuss  the  Child  Nutrition  Department   Felicidad Cruz retired September 1, 2017 after working
             they usually share similar thoughts—the friendly staff,   in the Payroll & Benefits Department as a bookkeeper
             the delicious food and all the hard work that goes into   for 15 years. Her colleagues in the Finance Department
             it all. Though, does anyone ever seem to discuss how   are already missing her presence in the office. Fely was
             the schools receive all the food? Or how all the product   a  hard  working  professional  and  a  driving  force  in
             gets to each kitchen in time for the start of breakfast   keeping  the  office  organized.  Her  calm  and  soothing
             and lunch?                                            nature was always welcomed in the hectic day-to-day
                                                                   hustle  and  bustle  of  the  Finance  Department.  Fely’s
             For the past 13 years, Jon Connors, our child nutrition
             driver, has played a vital role in the daily operational   kindness and generosity were always appreciated. She
                                                                   is  currently  enjoying  her  beautiful  new  home  in
             success of East Brunswick Public Schools.
                                                                   Delaware as a retiree and proud grandmother.
             Rain  or  shine,  snow  or  wind;  Jon  will  do  whatever  it
             takes  to  ensure  each  school  has  what  they  need  to
             properly  deliver  healthy  and  delicious  meals  to  our   BARBARA CZARNECKI: CHURCHILL CHILD
             students and community.                               NUTRITIONIST

             Jon  can  be  described  as  a  combination  of  many   Barbara Czarnecki was a child nutritionist at Churchill
             attributes  and  qualities—committed,  professional,   for the better part of a decade. She was always reliable
             loyal, and motivated, to name just a few. Though, the   and  worked  hard  to  ensure  that  our  students  were
             one  aspect  of  Jon  that  surpasses  all  the  rest  is  his   served a nutritious lunch. This is no easy task as there
             amazing character. There is no one you can trust more   are 4 lunch periods a day and the students are in and
             to  do  the  right  thing—especially  when  no  one  is   out of the cafeteria in 20 minutes, so her efficiency and
             looking.  According  to  his  colleagues,  Jon  is    dedication  made  her  an  integral  part  of  the  child
             irreplaceable  and  will  be  dearly  missed.  He  has   nutrition team. What Barbara is really known for is her
             represented   this   school   district   with   class,   kindness and warmth. Barbara's daughter Kristen just
             professionalism and passion. Similar to the district, he   graduated college and this made Barbara very proud.
             should be recognized as a “Blue Ribbon” staff member   We are certainly proud of Barbara and know that her
             for  all  he  has  done.  Finally,  the  word  “great”  seems   family is as well. We wish her well in her retirement.
             appropriate  here.  Not  only  is  Jon  a  great  employee,
             but, most important, he is a great friend.

            Anthony is a kind hearted individual and a true team player. No job was ever too big (or too small) and when his
            response  to  a  request  was  “don’t  worry,  we’ll  figure  it  out,”  you  knew  that  the  job  would  get  done!  Without
            hesitation he would drop everything to help you if you were in a bind. Mr. Dabroski’s wide range of experience in
            carpentry, cabinet making, locksmithing and general construction has enabled the department to provide first-class
            support to the district’s nearly 9,000 staff, faculty and, most importantly, students. Anthony’s 25-year career holds
            many accomplishments but most noteworthy and recognizable is the semi-circular desk (dais) located in the Board
            Room,  of  which  Anthony  was  the  lead  architect.  Anthony  designed  and  built  the  dais  that  is  used  by  our  board
            members  at  all  EBBOE  meetings  held  at  the  Jon  R.  Kopko  Administration  Building.  To  this  day,  this  fine  piece  of
            furniture continues to provide a first impression of excellence to not only visitors and the community, but also to the
            district’s board, administrators, staff and faculty as well.

            While  the  department  sends  a  heartfelt  thanks  and  congratulations  to  Anthony  on  his  retirement,  the  men  and
            women he worked side-by-side with will miss not only his master craftsman expertise, but his friendship as well.

            We wish Anthony a wonderful retirement filled with much deserved relaxation and lots of fishing and hunting.
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