Page 14 - Summer 2018_Final 3
P. 14
Volume 39, Issue 4 EBEA Newsletter Page 14
Sondra worked many years as a lunch aide at Chittick OFFICER
School. What I loved most about Sondra were our Pearl Hillman has worked for the East Brunswick Public
lunch conversations, chatting about family, work, and Schools for 34 years. When she was first hired she
free time. She is the kind of lady who can make you began as a D.C. secretary, but administration quickly
laugh just in the way she says things. I think that is recognized Pearl’s unique skills would come in handy in
what I will miss the most about her! the attendance office. Located in what is now the 700s
During her retirement you will find Sondra spending hallway, Pearl’s domain was a glorified closet where
time shopping with her daughter and spending time students stopped to sign in when they were late.
with friends. We wish her the best in her retirement! Though her home was small, her personality was
ENORMOUS, and after twenty years of service she
finally received the office she deserved. As Churchill’s
MARGARET HEARTY: ADMINISTRATION Attendance Officer, Pearl takes her job very seriously,
SECRETARY making sure all of our students are safely accounted for
Margaret started working for the East Brunswick each and every day. Pearl is a force to be reckoned
district in 1996 as a school aide at Churchill Junior High with and, as such, has the entire staff trained to
School along with various elementary schools until diligently take attendance and keep tabs on all of the
1998 when she moved to East Brunswick High School students, Although the entire staff adores Pearl,
as a health aide in the nurse’s office. In 2001 she nobody wants to receive a phone call from Officer
moved to the Student Services Department in the Hillman during period 2! Every first year teacher earns
administration building as a secretary to the high his or her stripes when Pearl calls their name over the
school Child Study Team. She then became a secretary loudspeaker to call attendance. As one of Pearl’s
to the special education supervisors and finally, her coworkers stated, “I don't know if I'm going to ever do
current position as a secretary to the Director of my attendance again if there is no fear of you calling
Special Education in 2012. and reprimanding me! .I will miss the sigh on the other
end of the phone when I call to say the same student is
Margaret is the “mother hen” of the department, missing from my period 12 class, or ask if so and so is in
keeping everyone on task and apprised of the ever guidance again. Next year I'll burn a few Thomas'
changing “goings on” in the department. She is always English Muffins in the morning, just to pretend you are
there to lend an ear and offer good advice when still around.”
someone has a problem or just needs to talk. She is
very understanding to the parents who anxiously await Pearl Hillman is the pulse of Churchill. She is one of the
their child’s turn for specialized assessments, which first to arrive and is always ready for whatever the day
can be quite stressful for them. Margaret has a way for throws her way. Pearl loves a good competition and
putting people at ease, talking to them as if she’s jumps at the chance to organize school-wide games,
known them for ages. events and activities. When she leaves Churchill each
day she rushes over to her second job taking care of
There was an audible gasp when Margaret told even more of the community’s children. While Pearl
everyone she was retiring. She is the heart of the
might be strict at work, she is always the life of the
department whom everyone relies on to keep it going. party. You can always find her dancing up a storm at
Margaret will be greatly missed by all those she works the Winter Wonderland, Spring Fling, or the District
with. Wide Retirement Party,
After 34 years of serving our community, Pearl plans to
finally enjoy some well deserved time off. She is
planning to travel, hopefully on a long cruise, and
continue helping to raise her three beautiful
grandchildren. While we do not know what we will do
without her, we wish her well on her retirement, and
look forward to future opportunities to dance the night
away with her. We will all miss you Pearl!