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Volume 39, Issue 4                           EBEA Newsletter                                       Page 20

             COACH                                                  TEACHER
             Michelle Vacchio has dedicated the last 31 years to the   Donald Vikse came to East Brunswick after successful
             students of East Brunswick Public Schools. Starting her   careers in construction and law. He spent his teaching
             career  as  a  kindergarten  teacher  at  Chittick  in  1987,   career  at  Hammarskjold  Middle  School.  He  began  as
             she  went  on  to  teach  at  Bowne  Munro  and  Central.   the Math Lab Coordinator for three months and then
             Later,  Michelle  came  to  Frost  as  a  reading  specialist   spent  the  next  20+  years  as  a  6th  grade  science
             and then brought her expertise to Hammarskjold. Her    teacher.  He  taught  students  of  all  abilities,  including
             final  role  brought  her  back  to  Frost  as  their   general education, in-class resource, and resource. His
             instructional coach in 2011.                           organization,  caring  nature  and  ability  to  tell  a  good
                                                                    joke,  always  made  his  students  feel  welcome  in  his
             When  she’s  not  in  East  Brunswick,  Michelle  enjoys
             spending time with her family and friends. She and her   classroom.
             husband  Sal  enjoy  traveling,  the  beach,  bowling  and   Don  spent  many  years  planning  field  trips  for  the
             playing  golf.  Once  she  has  more  free  time,  Michelle   students of Hammarskjold. He was the co-coordinator
             intends to spend much of it with her daughters, Kiara   for  the  Fairview  outdoor  education  trip,  as  well  as
             and Kyla and her grandchildren, Ava (8 years old) and   other Science Department trips including Dallenbach’s,
             Dominick (1 month old).                                Helyer Woods, Sandy Hook, and the Aquarium. He also
                                                                    was  the advisor  to  the  HMS  Law  Club  and  served on
             Museums are on Michelle’s to do list- she’d like to visit
             ALL  of  the  museums  in  New  Jersey  and  New  York!   the  Grade  6  Textbook  Development  Committee  in
             Michelle will stay busy in retirement as an educational   2013. His colleagues will always think of him as a true
             consultant,  traveling  throughout  out  the  US  and   professional and a loyal friend.
             abroad. Her infectious spirit and passion will be missed   During  his  retirement,  he  can  be  found  working  on
             almost as much as she will be.                         home  improvement  projects  and  perfecting  his  golf
                                                                    swing.  He  also  recently  became  a  grandfather  and  is

                                                                    looking  forward  to  spending  time  with  his
             BETTY “BESSIE” VACHNA: FINANCIAL SERVICES              granddaughter  and  family.  Enjoy  your  family  time,
             BOOKKEEPER                                             Don!
             Betty Vachna worked as a bookkeeper in the Financial
             Services  Department  for  12  years.  She  started  out  in
             the  Accounts  Payable  Unit  and  spent  the  majority  of
             her  time  in  East  Brunswick  as  a  Payroll  &  Benefits
             bookkeeper.  Hard  working,  soft  spoken  and  always
             with  a  ready  smile.  it  is  hard  to  imagine  the  office
             without the familiar daily sound of her answering the
             phone,  “Payroll,  Betty  speaking.”  Her  willingness  to
             help anyone in need will be sorely missed as an integral
             part of the office. Always stylish and dressed to the 9’s,
             Betty had a shoe collection that could rival Hollywood’s
             Retirement is a new chapter in Betty’s life. It will give
             her  the  opportunity  to  enjoy  her  new  home  in
             Lakewood, NJ as well as her home in Florida. She will
             be able to spend more time with her kids, grandkids,
             and puppies (her “babies”). As she would say, we hope
             her retirement is “Real Good.”
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