Page 6 - 2022 Summer SWHS Newsletter
P. 6
large hay field was where our athletic
activates usually took place.
They also had a large barn which was
well stocked with hay. Overnight sleep-
outs happened there.
We were at the Brockmans when my
brother Bob got shot in the eye with a
BB gun.
CALLOWAYS: Les and Lou. Lou
was my 7th grade teacher. Our class-
room was an annex behind the grade
school in Langley.
I think our class was the first she
taught after moving to the Island from
Louisiana. She had a very distinctive
southern accent, the kind us kids had
never heard before.
We started the year by giving her a
very hard time. I remember once she got
so upset she left the classroom crying.
We saw the error of our ways and never
repeated that very unkind action.
She hung in and became one of the
most popular teachers in the school
system. They lived up the road from the
Sid Swanson place, and raised turkeys
and strawberries.
DRAKES: We referred to them as
Dad and Mom Drake. They lived on a
farm about a mile from us that was owned
by the Collins/Joshua Green group and
they were either renting or were caretak-
ers. They had three children: Bud, Tyke
and Dick.
They used to help us put up hay, make
cider, and loaned us their hog-scalding The Cultus Bay Fishing Resort of the 1940s and ‘50s was owned by Bob and Eilene Tribou.
tub from time to time.
The Drakes would always let us kids The old dock pilings are still visible at low tide at Possession Shores.
access the beach through their prop- Bay. He was the uncle of Betty Sutley vines, and starting to raise strawberries.
erty. We would hike out the long dike whose family lived on the south end and He gave me a job, picking strawber-
that was built to provide a good deal of were friends of ours. The Sutley family ries, where I actually was able to make
pasture land at the head of the Bay. Our consisted of Glen, Betty, and their three money. Prior to his passing he deeded
problem was trying to avoid their mean children. One night someone woke my 8 acres to my parents where my broth-
Guernsey bull. parents and told my Dad that Glen had er, Bob, and my sister, Nora, both built
ELLIS: Ed lived on Cultus Bay Rd., been killed in a logging accident down houses. The property has since sold.
near the top of the hill going south after on the south Oregon coast. My Dad was RADKES: They lived just below us
the road climbs from the dip near the tasked with notifying the family. on the edge of the Bay. He was into
Bay. Ed was kind of a do-everything O’DELL: Ralph was Mom’s only un- fishing on the Bay, and had a nice boat
type of guy most of which is in the cle on her mother’s side. Her mother died which my Dad later bought. I think
book South Whidbey and Its People, during childbirth when Mom was only they left the area when the fishing sort
Vol. 2 by Lorna Cherry. He also did sur- 12 and the oldest of five children. She, of gave out.
veying work, and was a water witcher. with the help of her Uncle Ralph, had a SCOTTS: They lived on the beach
HAGSTROM: Clifford ‘Kip’ was big hand in raising her siblings. on the Sound side of Possession Point.
married to Audrey Brockman. The Ralph had worked in the woods, and I believe it was just below where the
Hagstrom brothers were classmates of was also a mechanic. He built a small Walters lived. One had to hike to get
my Dad at Ingleside School. shop (still standing) and started a car re- down to their place. I always ques-
HARRIGAN: Mike’s house was on pair business. I remember him clearing tioned the wisdom of having a house at
the north shore at the upper end of the his land of old stumps and blackberry (Continued back page)